Look up in the sky. It's a bird, it's a horrible mutation between a pig and some sort of flying apparatus. No, it's lookout boy. Following his own brand of paranoid justice. Twitching from left to right at the slightest noise from a wandering passerby or random sounds from nothing more than the sounds of footsteps orginiating from inside his brain. Under the direction of Oryx and barely escaping from a phantom jogger and a curious tourgroup keeping Malice unseen from wandering eyes of human and canine alike, her glorius nekedness will be safe from the public eye of onlookers and city workers for another day!...For now...(dom, dom, dommmmm)...I need sleep.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 04, 2006
I'm soo excited that Mitzi's set is now on the site. Taking the set … -
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
I'm considering moving to England with Malice in the next year or so.… -
Tuesday Nov 22, 2005
I find myself becoming frequently and increasingly more frustrated wi… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
That's it. Mr. Bush has now completely gone out of his fucking mind … -
Thursday Oct 13, 2005
It's strange what the night shift can do to a person. My social skill… -
Saturday Sep 17, 2005
I lack the imagination to type anything relativly coherent...Besides … -
Saturday Sep 10, 2005
...Anyone got an Icepack?!?! *cringe* -
Thursday Sep 08, 2005
....I...have...a secret..... -
Saturday Jul 23, 2005
I return from the grave...AGAIN....AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
I was meticulously cleaning and polishing my small but effective coll…
just a reminder than toronto prom is in 20 days! if you're still coming - that's awesome ... can't wait to see you there. if you're not sure about your attendance tho, please contact Cereal_Killer or myself asap.