if you dont already know, i produce electronic music... have for about 10 years. also play live shows... about 50 or so to date... dallas, austin, houston, and new mexico. had releases on vinyl and on some cd compilations. played on rocket radio and edge club radio shows. currently, im in the process of resurrecting my drum & bass records label, busytown records. which brings us to why im posting all this...
here is a link to the newest d&b tracks ive been working on. its actually a 10 min mix of two songs.
the first is a untitled song and the second is called seeing monsters.
i produce all this music on hardware... like synths, drum mahcines, samplers, and external hardware sequencers. not using all software, like many other electronic music artists. anyway... im gonna shut up now.
here is a link to the newest d&b tracks ive been working on. its actually a 10 min mix of two songs.
the first is a untitled song and the second is called seeing monsters.
i produce all this music on hardware... like synths, drum mahcines, samplers, and external hardware sequencers. not using all software, like many other electronic music artists. anyway... im gonna shut up now.