If I ever live in an automated, computerized home... I want HER voice for it... so luscious!!!!
I. Love. This. Mix. LOVE. Especially the first part. 3:45 to 4:03 is...
4:21 to about 7:05 of the second part is sick, too... GAWD, I love 16 Bit.
OH!!!! My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult AND Lords of Acid this Thursday!!!!! XD So excited!
Go help a gorgeous girl make front page... with style...

I. Love. This. Mix. LOVE. Especially the first part. 3:45 to 4:03 is...

OH!!!! My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult AND Lords of Acid this Thursday!!!!! XD So excited!
Go help a gorgeous girl make front page... with style...

I would marry your house if that was it's voice.
and just have it talk dirty to me all night.