How did I like salvia?
Oh... I loved it.
It was SO intense! I sat in my backyard with a friend hiding somewhere else (in case I freaked... which I did... ;P) and pointed my camera at myself on a table, set to record a video.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Light it up... all the way through and through... hold it, hold it... 19 seconds in my lungs, my world begins to vibrate... 20 seconds, big exhalation... violent, violent vibrating... turbulence... BLASTOFF!
The video shows me doin' things I have NO recollection of doing... things my friend describes as the "what the FUCK is going on" syndrome... I sit up, sit back... wipe my face wih my hands... sit up... breathe in big... breathe in bigger... sit back... play with my skirt... sit back up... feel the chair... feel the table in front of me... all the while, looking around, bedazzled... and then I just up and left the chair in a panic. lol
I say I have no recollection of anything up to point I stood up because after I exhaled... literally like, 2 seconds after... I was goooooone... no longer in my backyard. I felt heavy, compressed... so incredibly dense... and almost metallic, including the taste in my mouth. My world was all solid colours, with details in the mix, and composed entirely of layers...layers and layers of living things, one atop the other, arranged like anti De Sitter space...
And then, a wave of... something... menacing and almost viral begins to spread from across the uppermost layer down and through each layer... it was almost like a wave of digitalization. At this point I realize I'm a part of a lower layer... no, that I AM a layerand all I can think is "Ack... no. I don't wanna get sucked in. Wait... where? What? How? And that's when I stood up and bolted.
My friend had to calm me down... I ended up bumping into him, not even realizing he was there... he wouldn't let go of me, sucked me into a bear hug because I scared him... I was trembling. My mouth felt funny and so did my eyeballs, but eventually I regained normalcy and we laughed about it all.
I can't wait to try it again, having a better idea of what to expect! 
This happened after the fourth of July, which was pretty rad in and of itself...
One of my vicarious friends is planning to move to New York and had recently tried cid with us at this amazing dubstep event. Although he admitted to having what should be classified as a "bad trip" ( he thought he was in hell and everyone looked ancient...
), he still enjoyed every second of it, being an open-minded, artistic man... and confided hat he'd like to try it again before moving... so... we did just that.
Aaah... psychedelics, I love 'em. Very nice trip this time. And a partial going-away present to mr.savlia-buddy, who went away to spain the day after (and was convinced he'd die on the way there... -__-;; silly fucker...)
Speaking of Spain... Hooray for winning the World Cup! I wish I could've given said friend a big hug when it happened...
Other than that, my life has been filled with these things...
That was a lot of rambling and now I'm tired. Good night, SG Land!