Yes, today was good.
1) I went back to work and had a great day, I remembered why I like working and I am now motivated to go out and make the greens.
2) It is one day closer to payday and the end of me counting change to eat everyday, or at least until I go broke again.
3) And the best thing about today.....
WE GOT IT!!!!!
This absoloutely made my day!!!!! I cant wait to now go and abuse the group and posting in it!!!
BTW Im disapointed in the lack of questions and good ones at that. I want you to truly rack my brain. Go for it! Ask me anything......In fact I have three for you.
1) Whats your favorite fast food restaraunt?
2) What is you favorite CD of all time?
3) When was the last time you cried and why?
Anywho, check you all later.....

1) I went back to work and had a great day, I remembered why I like working and I am now motivated to go out and make the greens.
2) It is one day closer to payday and the end of me counting change to eat everyday, or at least until I go broke again.
3) And the best thing about today.....
WE GOT IT!!!!!
This absoloutely made my day!!!!! I cant wait to now go and abuse the group and posting in it!!!
BTW Im disapointed in the lack of questions and good ones at that. I want you to truly rack my brain. Go for it! Ask me anything......In fact I have three for you.
1) Whats your favorite fast food restaraunt?
2) What is you favorite CD of all time?
3) When was the last time you cried and why?
Anywho, check you all later.....

I take it to the Coinstar it counts it for my lazy ass.
I just read your comment in Trilobyte's journal.
You like Rilo Kiley!?
Sir, you are awesome in my book .
1) Whats your favorite fast food restaraunt?
Taco Bell. Gotta have the Fire sauce.
2) What is you favorite CD of all time?
Has to be Rilo Kiley - Take Offs and Landings
3) When was the last time you cried and why?
When I got my hair cut. I was so frustrated, I had my sister fix it for me.