Well now how is everyone doing?
Its 2108 and I suppose I should be at the SGLA dinner, but I had no one to hold my hand and I just am pooped. I was dieing to go but I will just end up going to the one tomarrow instead, sorry guys.
Work is back full speed, same idiots, same problems. But things are looking up. Im having financial issues cause Im training the engineers behind us. Once the are trained then we go to our regular line of work. We have almost finished training them and a few guys before me have already advanced. So in the meantime, NO MORE LONG BEACH / COMPTON. I loved working down there but the drive was too hard. Now I work 10 miles away and only for a little while longer.
I have attempted to start a local SG group.
While talking with some SGLA people I fouind out that some people have already tried this with no succession. I have put in a few requests with nothing heard as well. So I just happen to have an extra SG account, and I have decided to use it for a central location for local SGers to have somewhat of a "ghetto group". It is not the best but it will work for now. I know it sounds dumb, but think about what this site stands for.
"Its very un-suicidegirl to put yourself in a box."
"It means killing that part of yourself thats mainstream"
"Its kind of stripping away your inhibitions, parts of you that are always like thats wrong - that part of yourself is an inpowerment and its a great freedom."
These are some quotes from the SuicideGirls piece that was on Real Sex.
So my response is this, I love the site, I love the people. If we cant be given a local group to enjoy each other outside the site, we can just make one.
For now......... SuicideGirls Inland Empire
I have returned with questions...........
1) What keeps you coming back to this site?
2) What is you favorite single thing about SG?
3) What do you think the drink in my profile picture is? A prize goes to the winner!
Now ask me two good questions............
(Other then what drink is that)
Its 2108 and I suppose I should be at the SGLA dinner, but I had no one to hold my hand and I just am pooped. I was dieing to go but I will just end up going to the one tomarrow instead, sorry guys.
Work is back full speed, same idiots, same problems. But things are looking up. Im having financial issues cause Im training the engineers behind us. Once the are trained then we go to our regular line of work. We have almost finished training them and a few guys before me have already advanced. So in the meantime, NO MORE LONG BEACH / COMPTON. I loved working down there but the drive was too hard. Now I work 10 miles away and only for a little while longer.
I have attempted to start a local SG group.
While talking with some SGLA people I fouind out that some people have already tried this with no succession. I have put in a few requests with nothing heard as well. So I just happen to have an extra SG account, and I have decided to use it for a central location for local SGers to have somewhat of a "ghetto group". It is not the best but it will work for now. I know it sounds dumb, but think about what this site stands for.
"Its very un-suicidegirl to put yourself in a box."
"It means killing that part of yourself thats mainstream"
"Its kind of stripping away your inhibitions, parts of you that are always like thats wrong - that part of yourself is an inpowerment and its a great freedom."
These are some quotes from the SuicideGirls piece that was on Real Sex.
So my response is this, I love the site, I love the people. If we cant be given a local group to enjoy each other outside the site, we can just make one.
For now......... SuicideGirls Inland Empire
I have returned with questions...........
1) What keeps you coming back to this site?
2) What is you favorite single thing about SG?
3) What do you think the drink in my profile picture is? A prize goes to the winner!
Now ask me two good questions............
(Other then what drink is that)

My grandma went into the hospital but is okay now. She is home and fine, thanks for asking.
Yes I had such a great time at the SG event. Things were done and saw that
Ok now for the questions....
1) What keeps you coming back to this site?
The people, hands down. They are really great. Plus I think this place is like a damn drug, I am completely addicted. Do you think they have a 1-800 number I could use???
2) What is you favorite single thing about SG?
The people again.......plus it is just a great added bonus that I get to see naked guys and girls. The love you get here is amazing
3) What do you think the drink in my profile picture is? A prize goes to the winner! Beer????? I am no good at guessing games
2 questions huh? I will get back to you on that one when I wake up. You need to start asking me questions because you are learning much.....or at least it doesn't seem that way.
Anyway love to ya
2. That's a tough one, but I'm going to have to go with the conversatiions. In the journals, on the boards, in the groups, and even in person!
3. Well, the obvious guess would be absynth. So I'll go with that.
Let's see....
What's your favorite job, and worst job you've ever had?
What's your worst habit?
Sort of three questions, but I'm sure you can manage.