Well, I think I have finally sobered down and can now take a moment to share my holidays experience. It was great, not a sober moment in a week pretty much and loads of fun.
First we all went back home to MCRD San Diego. Chris and I are US Marines so Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego is our birthplace. Anywho we went down there and had a blast seeing everything again. And my soon-to-be-ex-wife met us down there cause thats were she lives now. But I foundout that Chris knew her in high school before me. That was a little strange but we got over it. Here is them talking about a friend they both had, (AND NO CHRIS AND MARANDA NEVER PUCKED, not that it matters anyways)...
Yup thats her....... thats the cause of a lot of hate and discontent. She loves me and wants to come home, but wont leave the navy for it cause its to easy of a job. Oh well.
The next day we had a little tea and crumpits party at my place. SweetApples was there with Kim and a few other friends. We all just hung out and Kim was dying to have a pickle of mine, as you can tell...
And later I got both of them in my bed... He he he
It was a great night, yes it wuz....
The next day we went to see Alien Ant Farm at Tremors, our local bar. They did a surprise concert, again.
They fuckin rocked! They are an incredible band to see live.
Next we went around taking pictures of all the girlies there. We were playing hard to get with the ones we took and ended up losing but we had fun anyways. My buddy Chris, the one that deploys to Iraq this week was with us using his "Bout to fight a war" status to get ass. And he did not fail.
Then we all just sat around and planned the best fucking new years party we could think of. So after a group photo we were off.
Yeah dont we look hard!!! Anywho, we set up my pad with a full bar, (which I always have) and a tub full of beer. Check out the beauty...
Then we decided to seperate the drinkers from the sippers. We had a "Drag Race", where you line up a row of shots and the first person through them won. They had everclear, Jager, Goldschlager, Absinthe, everthing you can think of to cause a bad case of acid reflux......IT WUZ GREAT....
Needless to say, the host with the most won, YEAH ME....
So we all had a great party and went to see Ralphie May, you know the BIG comedian from the last comic standing...
Well anywho he made fun of me and workin for the railroad, IT WUZ AWSOME!! But now we are alll calmed down.
Im gonna takle everyone elses journals shortly and I hope you all had a great holiday week or whatever. Much love to all.
JUJUBEE Im sorry i missed your show. I couldnt start vacation until yesterday. YEAH WEEKS VACATION PAID!!!
ANywho, Love to all and Ill catch you later....
Geoff "hExEk"
A) First, recommend to me:
1. A Movie
2. A Book
3. A Musical Artist, song, album
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
copyright 05' max_traffic
Well, I think I have finally sobered down and can now take a moment to share my holidays experience. It was great, not a sober moment in a week pretty much and loads of fun.
First we all went back home to MCRD San Diego. Chris and I are US Marines so Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego is our birthplace. Anywho we went down there and had a blast seeing everything again. And my soon-to-be-ex-wife met us down there cause thats were she lives now. But I foundout that Chris knew her in high school before me. That was a little strange but we got over it. Here is them talking about a friend they both had, (AND NO CHRIS AND MARANDA NEVER PUCKED, not that it matters anyways)...

Yup thats her....... thats the cause of a lot of hate and discontent. She loves me and wants to come home, but wont leave the navy for it cause its to easy of a job. Oh well.
The next day we had a little tea and crumpits party at my place. SweetApples was there with Kim and a few other friends. We all just hung out and Kim was dying to have a pickle of mine, as you can tell...

And later I got both of them in my bed... He he he

It was a great night, yes it wuz....
The next day we went to see Alien Ant Farm at Tremors, our local bar. They did a surprise concert, again.

They fuckin rocked! They are an incredible band to see live.
Next we went around taking pictures of all the girlies there. We were playing hard to get with the ones we took and ended up losing but we had fun anyways. My buddy Chris, the one that deploys to Iraq this week was with us using his "Bout to fight a war" status to get ass. And he did not fail.

Then we all just sat around and planned the best fucking new years party we could think of. So after a group photo we were off.

Yeah dont we look hard!!! Anywho, we set up my pad with a full bar, (which I always have) and a tub full of beer. Check out the beauty...

Then we decided to seperate the drinkers from the sippers. We had a "Drag Race", where you line up a row of shots and the first person through them won. They had everclear, Jager, Goldschlager, Absinthe, everthing you can think of to cause a bad case of acid reflux......IT WUZ GREAT....

Needless to say, the host with the most won, YEAH ME....
So we all had a great party and went to see Ralphie May, you know the BIG comedian from the last comic standing...
Well anywho he made fun of me and workin for the railroad, IT WUZ AWSOME!! But now we are alll calmed down.
Im gonna takle everyone elses journals shortly and I hope you all had a great holiday week or whatever. Much love to all.
JUJUBEE Im sorry i missed your show. I couldnt start vacation until yesterday. YEAH WEEKS VACATION PAID!!!
ANywho, Love to all and Ill catch you later....
Geoff "hExEk"
A) First, recommend to me:
1. A Movie
2. A Book
3. A Musical Artist, song, album
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
copyright 05' max_traffic
Nice meeting you. Those are some interesting pickle friends you have.
Mack is a good sound...