Well today is anew, and things have dramaticlly changed.
For the one person who might have read my last journal the rave was nice. I stayed clean but still drunk and I had a blast!
I am still confused with my soon-to-be ex-wife and her behaivior and do not know what to expect when I see her. She gets back in late October and hasnt said if she wants to see me or not. I told her I didnt want to show up if any guy "friends" are around her and touching her. I still have feelings for her and it would be disrespectfull.
And out of all the things she can say, she says, "Dont worry Chris leaves on a helo the day before we get back so he wont be there when we pull up." Fuck that hurt, bad. I am really trying to get the courage to just let go and am recieving aid from friends in succeeding.
I also want to say that I have the coolest friends every! They are so helpfull and supportive and I havent had that in a while. Im feeling less lonely and better about myself then normal.
I just hope I will after my soon-to-be gets back.
If you end up reading this, please drop me a line. Say "Hi".
Untill next time I leave with another quote.....
"Life lived for tomarrow will always be just a day away from being realized."
-Leo Buscaglia
Maybe I should practice what I preach.....
For the one person who might have read my last journal the rave was nice. I stayed clean but still drunk and I had a blast!
I am still confused with my soon-to-be ex-wife and her behaivior and do not know what to expect when I see her. She gets back in late October and hasnt said if she wants to see me or not. I told her I didnt want to show up if any guy "friends" are around her and touching her. I still have feelings for her and it would be disrespectfull.
And out of all the things she can say, she says, "Dont worry Chris leaves on a helo the day before we get back so he wont be there when we pull up." Fuck that hurt, bad. I am really trying to get the courage to just let go and am recieving aid from friends in succeeding.
I also want to say that I have the coolest friends every! They are so helpfull and supportive and I havent had that in a while. Im feeling less lonely and better about myself then normal.
I just hope I will after my soon-to-be gets back.
If you end up reading this, please drop me a line. Say "Hi".
Untill next time I leave with another quote.....
"Life lived for tomarrow will always be just a day away from being realized."
-Leo Buscaglia
Maybe I should practice what I preach.....

Definitely invite lots of people over, get them intoxicated, break out the twister board and some baby oil.. and sit back and watch them go at it.....hehe..
When she gets back and chris is not in sight da... Do you really want to be a consolation prize. . . Hint Look in the mirror, bonk yourself on the head and say, "Hay! I'm more important than that" Than look for love elsewhere