Way too early right now. I just want to sleep. My bed is so comfy and cozy, with all my fluffy pillows and red blanket.
I shall sleep today! I shall! I get home in 4 1/2 hours and the sleep-athon shall commence.
I need to upload some new music to my mp3 player. It's so difficult to only have room for 60 songs. *sigh*. I'm feeling in a Depeche Mode, Sisters of Mercy, and possibley some PJ Harvey mood. It truly is a perfect day, Elise!
I dyed my hair again last night. Once I figure out how to upload photos from my camera phone you can see my red hair and stained scalp.
If you have my number, call me this weekend! I'm feeling chatty!
Next week I will be a slave to reading assignments. I have to read an entire book on ontogeny, then a book on directing, my music history readings, and work on my scene for my acting class. When will it end, I ask!? When will it end!?
Leave me comments. They were sorely lacking from my last entry. For real.
I feel like adding on to this entry...
My good moods regarding school are becoming fewer and far between. I got a c- on my english paper, and that english class is mad for real joke! I hate my acting class. I swear, the people in this department are total recall bitches (I know my slang makes no sense, but it does to me. check it.). My directing class is ok. My anthropology class is ok, just an ass load of writing and reading. My music class is fucking lame ass and the 50 minutes feel like 50 days. It's a joke too. I got a B on a test that I studied 10 minutes for. I would've gotten an A if I studied 15. Ha. Oi. I am ready to move on from this school, this city, this state. For real.
I wonder what it must be like to live in area with hills and mountains. What's it like all you westerners? I wouldn't know. I've been an Indiana chick for the past 10 years. Flat as all get out. I look at pictures in members/SGs folders of hills and mountains. I get jealous. I want to be able to see hills of trees and a mountain in the background when I go to the gas station. I go to Cincinnati and freak out when I see all the hills. I don't want to leave! I want to go to San Fran and play on all the steep hills. I want one of those Hollywood Hills homes that look out into a ravine or something. I don't know, I've never been to the Hollywood Hills, but they have hills. I swear, the steepest hill in Indiana is 5 minutes from my house and is just a little street.
It's weird. There are some things I miss about Purdue sometimes...Theat 133! Acting Workshop I! Vons Shops! The Levee Plaza! The Village! Free smells! Halstingdon knows what I'm talking about. Baby Ninja!
I shall sleep today! I shall! I get home in 4 1/2 hours and the sleep-athon shall commence.
I need to upload some new music to my mp3 player. It's so difficult to only have room for 60 songs. *sigh*. I'm feeling in a Depeche Mode, Sisters of Mercy, and possibley some PJ Harvey mood. It truly is a perfect day, Elise!
I dyed my hair again last night. Once I figure out how to upload photos from my camera phone you can see my red hair and stained scalp.
If you have my number, call me this weekend! I'm feeling chatty!
Next week I will be a slave to reading assignments. I have to read an entire book on ontogeny, then a book on directing, my music history readings, and work on my scene for my acting class. When will it end, I ask!? When will it end!?
Leave me comments. They were sorely lacking from my last entry. For real.
I feel like adding on to this entry...
My good moods regarding school are becoming fewer and far between. I got a c- on my english paper, and that english class is mad for real joke! I hate my acting class. I swear, the people in this department are total recall bitches (I know my slang makes no sense, but it does to me. check it.). My directing class is ok. My anthropology class is ok, just an ass load of writing and reading. My music class is fucking lame ass and the 50 minutes feel like 50 days. It's a joke too. I got a B on a test that I studied 10 minutes for. I would've gotten an A if I studied 15. Ha. Oi. I am ready to move on from this school, this city, this state. For real.
I wonder what it must be like to live in area with hills and mountains. What's it like all you westerners? I wouldn't know. I've been an Indiana chick for the past 10 years. Flat as all get out. I look at pictures in members/SGs folders of hills and mountains. I get jealous. I want to be able to see hills of trees and a mountain in the background when I go to the gas station. I go to Cincinnati and freak out when I see all the hills. I don't want to leave! I want to go to San Fran and play on all the steep hills. I want one of those Hollywood Hills homes that look out into a ravine or something. I don't know, I've never been to the Hollywood Hills, but they have hills. I swear, the steepest hill in Indiana is 5 minutes from my house and is just a little street.
It's weird. There are some things I miss about Purdue sometimes...Theat 133! Acting Workshop I! Vons Shops! The Levee Plaza! The Village! Free smells! Halstingdon knows what I'm talking about. Baby Ninja!
ya mountains and hills are all cool and all, but it sucks when u learn what gravity and momento are on a first hand account. other than that thiers not much of a differnce in living in or around them.
I always forget that I should get into PJ Harvey. What's a good first album to check out?