Well, its been an eventful few weeks.
My dude has made a bunch of news friends, and is getting into 40k and pathfinder. And, as a result, so am I. So, Thursday night's we do a Magic: the gathering tournament, Friday nights we play friendly pathfinder, and all day Sunday is warhammer painting and playing. Ahh! we're ultra nerds.
It's been fun, but christ, its...
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My dude has made a bunch of news friends, and is getting into 40k and pathfinder. And, as a result, so am I. So, Thursday night's we do a Magic: the gathering tournament, Friday nights we play friendly pathfinder, and all day Sunday is warhammer painting and playing. Ahh! we're ultra nerds.
It's been fun, but christ, its...
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Feeling a bit melancholic, a bit lost, I don't know. I'm having trouble telling what's real anymore. I have a friend who I thought I was pretty close to, and the other day it occured to me that he treats me much the same as all the people he greets and then after says "god, I fuckin hate that guy".
I just wish I could...
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I just wish I could...
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nothing wrong with being weird....
but i'm starting to get a callus, and a hole in my soul needs to be filled
but i'm starting to get a callus, and a hole in my soul needs to be filled
There is nothing wrong wih being weird, im abit of a weirdo at work and in general snd get payed out about it heaps but you know what, its all about bein unique if people want to be fuckheads towards you fuck them they dont need your friendship
i will be your friend if u want.

Urgh, I'm feeling really self-defensive tonight. There's people over, so I'm a bit on edge as it is, and no-one has even said anything to me!
But I'm so sick of feeling too weird, too unfashionable, too fat.
You know what? I'm a size 18 ( xxxL) and sometimes I eat pasta for breakfast. And I don't like the taste of alcohol, so I drink...
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But I'm so sick of feeling too weird, too unfashionable, too fat.
You know what? I'm a size 18 ( xxxL) and sometimes I eat pasta for breakfast. And I don't like the taste of alcohol, so I drink...
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How...how can you not like Family Guy?
I've never been trendy. I listen to music I like and dress in a way that reflects my personality. I don't care if a bunch of people like me, as long as the ones who do the ones who are worth my time.

I've never been trendy. I listen to music I like and dress in a way that reflects my personality. I don't care if a bunch of people like me, as long as the ones who do the ones who are worth my time.
Thanks! And I'm glad to hear your night got better =D
Well, it's been an interesting few weeks. My wedding finally started to come together! We had an appointment with a celebrant and everything.
And then my partner lost his job. So we're WAY set back, I guess. I don't want to have to set it back again, you know?
I haven't had a job in a while, kinda been doing the housewife thing. After being...
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And then my partner lost his job. So we're WAY set back, I guess. I don't want to have to set it back again, you know?
I haven't had a job in a while, kinda been doing the housewife thing. After being...
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Have you thought of doing graphic design? You have limited exposure to people & once you're up & running you can work from home.
I've thought about it, but I find school challenging (the People thing) and I'm also not sure how great I'd be. I would really love to write, but that presents many of the same problems, haha.
I heard today that a Buddist woman in Burma was killed by a Muslim. They didn't give a reason or a gender or anything in the news apart from "Buddist woman" and "Muslim". In retaliation Buddists attacked and killed a bus full of Muslims, sparking riots all over the country. People are fleeing and being sent back and they're saying "Kill us and throw our...
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Not only religion but organized people who do not think for themselves... If people would stop and realize what they are doing....
The Cheerleader, Part I. One comment.
The Cheerleader, Part ii. Zero comments.
Perfect Words. One comment.
People do not like my stories, with the exception of "Just a Fling." Apparently, my fantasies are better than my reality.
Thank you for the comment.
The Cheerleader, Part ii. Zero comments.
Perfect Words. One comment.
People do not like my stories, with the exception of "Just a Fling." Apparently, my fantasies are better than my reality.
Thank you for the comment.
If you want what visible reality
can give, youre an employee.
If you want the unseen world,
youre not living your truth.
Both wishes are foolish,
but youll be forgiven for
that what you really want is
loves confusing joy.
can give, youre an employee.
If you want the unseen world,
youre not living your truth.
Both wishes are foolish,
but youll be forgiven for
that what you really want is
loves confusing joy.
I just want to say that i love your writing. The stories you have posted in the FDSS group have been amazing! Hope there are more to come? x
Much more to come
Much more to come

Feeling a bit crap today. Which is a shame, because its stupid pretty outside and I've got an awesome partner, but I was up half the night with nightmares and i can't find a goddamn job and i think I'm getting sick. Blah.
Okay, positives. I've finally found a group of friends I'm totally comfortable with. there's only like five of us but I'm happy...
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Okay, positives. I've finally found a group of friends I'm totally comfortable with. there's only like five of us but I'm happy...
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i cant say about the stall, i'm not a relish person..lol, but hey.....make good food and its sells itself
yay...looks like the chameleon from tangled

yay...looks like the chameleon from tangled

Whoa, it totally does!
So I'm much less internet disabled now! Back in touch with a couple of people, getting there with some more. My bridal shower was a grand success! Everyone had a good time, even my mum! Crazy.
This weekend we had a Battleshot night, my new favorite drinking game.
And I've been drawing a bit, at some point I looked down at the page and I'd...
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This weekend we had a Battleshot night, my new favorite drinking game.
And I've been drawing a bit, at some point I looked down at the page and I'd...
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Well, still missing sg land and all my other online homies like crazy, still trying to get the internet, living with my sister has been okay except, holy crap, I've forgotten how much I hate 16 year olds I didn't even like them when I was one
Also, having a bridal shower in a few weeks, tea party, I'm too excited
Miss everyone

Also, having a bridal shower in a few weeks, tea party, I'm too excited

Miss everyone

Having no internet! it's been awfully lonely 

just dropping in...saying hi

It's been three weeks since I posted a new blog! Crazy!
Had a pretty big few weeeks, easter and all that jazz, and my little sister is moving into my garage. She's 16 and just started dating my partners best friend so it's going to be... interesting.
My internet has been cut off so I've only been on sporadically, when I can connect to wifi...
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Had a pretty big few weeeks, easter and all that jazz, and my little sister is moving into my garage. She's 16 and just started dating my partners best friend so it's going to be... interesting.
My internet has been cut off so I've only been on sporadically, when I can connect to wifi...
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wow. sister moving in eh? how will that go i wonder
Hope things are going well?
I never read books that are overhyped in the media. Things that are extremely popular with people at large never turn out to be good.
when you say 40k i assume money, and pathfinder ...i just think nissan...yep getting to old