Sometimes I hate Real Detroit horoscopes. Actually I almost always do because every single time i read mine its dead on and never good. After yet another sleepless night and esculated fight last night i woke up and walked over to my kitchen counter where my Real Detroit Magazine was laying and intended to open it to classifieds to find a new job ( I hate my job, i dislike many of the people i work with, and the bf works there which is making the step of leaving him that much harder)...anyways the first page i opened to was the horoscopes. This is how mine read:
Gemini: You keep depending on undependable people. Getting let down consantly is no fun - but when you put your faith where it doesn't belong, that's what happens. You would be wiser to focus on youself, because you're doing all the work here. There is a lot at stake in your life right now. The bigger issues are difficult to even see because you've got too many side trips distracting you. The way it looks to me, if you weren't so hung up taking care of everyone, you'd be able to accomplish more and grow from it.
Every single word descibes my like completely right now. Its scary and sad. And i dont want to face it. I dont want to give up, i just want it to work out. I'm just so broken already that i feel that I cant even pick up my own peices to move on.
Gemini: You keep depending on undependable people. Getting let down consantly is no fun - but when you put your faith where it doesn't belong, that's what happens. You would be wiser to focus on youself, because you're doing all the work here. There is a lot at stake in your life right now. The bigger issues are difficult to even see because you've got too many side trips distracting you. The way it looks to me, if you weren't so hung up taking care of everyone, you'd be able to accomplish more and grow from it.
Every single word descibes my like completely right now. Its scary and sad. And i dont want to face it. I dont want to give up, i just want it to work out. I'm just so broken already that i feel that I cant even pick up my own peices to move on.