This photo is a perfect example of the demons inside me. The look on my face shows hurt and pain, the mud captures bruises, roses are being picked and floated down the river. But what if I look at positive things? The look on my face could be my past, the bruises could be the past as well as the rose petals. What I would love to achieve in the next year is mostly being happy. Being picked on all my life and having low self esteem created this monster. I was never like this as a child. What i would like to see as this being an old photo is the defeat, feeling like i conquered this. The rose petals meaning starting a new beginning, which i think is slowly happening.
I have been working out for 8 months and have lost 20 or so pounds, I would love to maintain this as one of my goals.
I would love to get more into hobbies such as my hooping, singing, etc.
Getting a job is another goal of mine, as I crossed getting my license of my chart, yes!!
I would also love to travle more and become a Suicide Girl. SG means the world to me, I always find myself bringing it up somehow, or thinking about it someway. I spend hours on here everyday, and have met increible people here. I want to show the world there is more than just being a pretty face, we all have demons and are all human.