It's the worst feeling in the world when you really like someone and they just don't seem to be interested. I'm just so utterly confused. I.Give.Up. I just feel like since drinks the other week he has lost interest in me, keeps cancelling on me and his ex is still hanging around which makes me a bit nervous.
I'm so fed up of being on my own. I wish I was one of those girls that could just get men to chase after them. I just feel like such a pathetic ugly loser. Last year I had men chasing me and asking me out all the time and now, nothing for months and months and months. This is been the longest I've gone without dating anyone or sleeping with anyone since I was about 17. I'm 27 soon.
On Friday night I was out clubbing with a friend and all these guys were flocking to her and I was just stood drunk and feeling utterly lost.
On the plus side it's been sunny!

I'm so fed up of being on my own. I wish I was one of those girls that could just get men to chase after them. I just feel like such a pathetic ugly loser. Last year I had men chasing me and asking me out all the time and now, nothing for months and months and months. This is been the longest I've gone without dating anyone or sleeping with anyone since I was about 17. I'm 27 soon.
On Friday night I was out clubbing with a friend and all these guys were flocking to her and I was just stood drunk and feeling utterly lost.
On the plus side it's been sunny!

Hope you're ok anyway lovely, don't focus too much on boys, maybe just use it as a chance to be you x