i'm so totally comfused about everything just now.
just when i think everything was clear and simple its all fucked up again.
i have so much work to do for college just now i think i might crack. aggh.
just when i think everything was clear and simple its all fucked up again.
i have so much work to do for college just now i think i might crack. aggh.
Optimo is at the art school right? I'd like to meet up with you on sunday. I'll try not to get too fucked up on sat then. Give me a call / text when your free sunday. I'm working on some ideas for pro forma, i'll have to meet them soon to discuss. I could use your photographic knowledge on a few things. but i'll talk to you about that when i have a clearer image of what i'm planning.
bless you. i remember the feeling of helplessness brought on by the stress of college, o, hold on, that was about two years ago, what happaned between now and then? o yeah, thats right, i left and went travelling for two years. yup, im a weakling. you have full admiration points for sticking with it.