Gah, went by the hospital to drop off some stuff for my sister to watch while she's in there and ended up getting trapped there for over two hours talking to her.
Which is wierd, I mean we've never been close at all, and never have anything to say to each other. I guess she's going stir crazy enough that even a visit from her brother is a good thing at this point.
The downside was a missed going out, but family's the most important thing right?
No it's nothing life threatening, just pregnancy issues, so the longer she's in there the better. But yah, getting pretty damn bored.
Which is wierd, I mean we've never been close at all, and never have anything to say to each other. I guess she's going stir crazy enough that even a visit from her brother is a good thing at this point.
The downside was a missed going out, but family's the most important thing right?
No it's nothing life threatening, just pregnancy issues, so the longer she's in there the better. But yah, getting pretty damn bored.
And yeah.. hmmm.. perhaps my name really IS Mr. Pica.