So, yes, it's the holidays. I'm glad this is a happy time for most. Personally I view them as just normal days, especially after many previous jobs in retail. Luckily with my current job we get a nice chunk of paid holiday time and don't have to deal with people, at least from a customer service standpoint.
There's not too much new exciting news lately, sometimes I feel like I'm the most boring person in the world.
More progress on my Dark Tower sleeve. I'm continually happy with the work!

Christmas was fairly routine. Some amount of time spent with family, then back for some good time with friends. I don't usually profess about presents, but I did get a sweet Batman shirt and some super comfy pillows from Churtch and her daughter. Thanks, you are both increasingly amazing.
Work's pretty standard, not much has changed there for a long time. I did apply for a new position, Facilitator, which would merit me a substantial pay raise, but in my mind it's kind of a long shot. The new position would be much more of a white collar job, as opposed to the blue collar assembly work I do now. I would definitely look quite a bit different than any other person that's had that position before. It may be my first exposure to the stereotype of applying for a job with highly visible piercings and tattoos. I haven't written a real resume or interviewed for anything it at least 7 years, so I am curious (and a little nervous), to see how this goes.
As far as the new year, I don't really have much to say. I don't really make resolutions, it seems in the back of my mind there's always a notion of self improvement, which hasn't been fulfilled, ever. Will the world (as we know it) end in 2012?

Movies are something I am looking forward to for 2012.
For obvious reasons:
This one has also piqued my interest. It should be closely related to the "Alien" series in some way. The inclusion of the Space Jockey is quite an indicator. Looks to be epic.
As always, a bit of the dark that is my mind. I don't mean to complain about things, but in some ways I wish that any sort of venting will somehow help makes things better. Depression is something I wish I could get accustomed to, so I could ignore it. My deficiencies of a romantic sense weigh too heavily most days. Any attempts made to rectify this seem to only be met with lies, callousness, and disillusion. Cold and loneliness fit in the same categories as sleep (or lack thereof), work, and food these days because they are just as much a part of my life. Damn if I just wish my heart was good for something besides being smashed and broken.
So, I guess closing with music videos is my succinct way for saying, "thanks for reading the drivel!"
Two videos from one of my favorite song writers, Devin Townsend. Also, The drummer for SYL, Gene Hoglan (the Atomic Clock), is great. He's also the RL drummer in Dethklok for you Metalocalypse fans. The first video is a nice Evil Dead homage too. Enjoy.
Until next time...
There's not too much new exciting news lately, sometimes I feel like I'm the most boring person in the world.

More progress on my Dark Tower sleeve. I'm continually happy with the work!

Christmas was fairly routine. Some amount of time spent with family, then back for some good time with friends. I don't usually profess about presents, but I did get a sweet Batman shirt and some super comfy pillows from Churtch and her daughter. Thanks, you are both increasingly amazing.
Work's pretty standard, not much has changed there for a long time. I did apply for a new position, Facilitator, which would merit me a substantial pay raise, but in my mind it's kind of a long shot. The new position would be much more of a white collar job, as opposed to the blue collar assembly work I do now. I would definitely look quite a bit different than any other person that's had that position before. It may be my first exposure to the stereotype of applying for a job with highly visible piercings and tattoos. I haven't written a real resume or interviewed for anything it at least 7 years, so I am curious (and a little nervous), to see how this goes.
As far as the new year, I don't really have much to say. I don't really make resolutions, it seems in the back of my mind there's always a notion of self improvement, which hasn't been fulfilled, ever. Will the world (as we know it) end in 2012?

Movies are something I am looking forward to for 2012.
For obvious reasons:

This one has also piqued my interest. It should be closely related to the "Alien" series in some way. The inclusion of the Space Jockey is quite an indicator. Looks to be epic.
As always, a bit of the dark that is my mind. I don't mean to complain about things, but in some ways I wish that any sort of venting will somehow help makes things better. Depression is something I wish I could get accustomed to, so I could ignore it. My deficiencies of a romantic sense weigh too heavily most days. Any attempts made to rectify this seem to only be met with lies, callousness, and disillusion. Cold and loneliness fit in the same categories as sleep (or lack thereof), work, and food these days because they are just as much a part of my life. Damn if I just wish my heart was good for something besides being smashed and broken.

So, I guess closing with music videos is my succinct way for saying, "thanks for reading the drivel!"
Two videos from one of my favorite song writers, Devin Townsend. Also, The drummer for SYL, Gene Hoglan (the Atomic Clock), is great. He's also the RL drummer in Dethklok for you Metalocalypse fans. The first video is a nice Evil Dead homage too. Enjoy.
Until next time...

Fuckn rad sleeve Dan, Happy new year dude. I miss usa

I love you to bits and thank you so much for everything you do for Aleah and me. You are truly one of a kind <3