It's the small things in life that give me the most pleasure. My friend Wayne and I, both individuals with excessive appetites and body fat, have been frequenting a buffet in Plymouth for quite some time. Average about 1.5 trips a week. So today we went there with my other friend Rob, who can eat more than anyone I know with the exception of my father (and once again dad thanks for blessing me with my fat frame and hunger) So we sat there and ate and hung out for a bit. At this point the manager, whom Wayne and I are notw quite familiar with, came over to our table and started talking with us asking us how we did.. I know, I know, eating shouldnt be viewed as a contest but I have nothing else going on in my life so fuck off If there was a spank the hot women contest trust me I wouldn't hit the buffet I would be hitting her. Wayne had 10, I had 8 and Robby won with 12. It bothered me that Rob won and only stopped at 12 because he was bored eating tacos, not because he was full. So the manager looks at Wayne and I and says "you know what? you guys have been coming in here for months, twice a week and mangling my taco bar. Lunch is on me" So the manager picked up the $30 tab. I saw that as such an extremely nice gesture on his part. The restaurant is located on the water front and Plymouth yuppies from all over go there for lunch. For this guy to show us a little respect amongst his rich suburban clients was nothing but classy in my eyes. I am glad I didn't take the bike there because I was food drunk when I left. I might be going back to my old job, and I must admit to having mixed emotions about the whole ordeal. Granted, the idea of over a grand a week is fantastic, and I really enjoy the job. Although part of me does feel like I may be crawling back and I am not about that at all. I crawl for no one, unless they are wearing stockings or heels, but that is another tale for another time. I watched the Surreal Life for the first time with the newer cast and I was hooked. Not because of the reality tv, or the human drama or any of that bullshit. No, I was hooked because of Vern Troyer. Dwarves both amuse me and make me quite curious about all that is involved with living at under 3'. My bike is finally legal, all I have to do now is print up the reciept for my reg renewal and I am in the wind legally. Enough for now, I need to masturbate and watch some horror movies.
i wish you were back online... i miss you and i'm so happy for you