Returned all the gear I just bought. A lot of shit($10,000 of recording gear). I just didn't want to do all this shit by myself anymore. I have plenty of other gear to pay the bills for now, but I am looking at joining the Air Force now as an officer. Strange trip. Basically I do not want to get stuck in the town I am living in, and I am sick to death of working with 16 y.o. wannabe punk bands. A friend I grew up with wants to join at the same time, so I think we will prolly go at the same time. I am going to finish up my associates degree so I can be an officer right off the bat. It takes only 20 years to retire, w/ full pension, healthcare, etc. The sign on bonus for me should be $10,000>15,000, so thats killer as well. Sucks that I put on a bit of weight this winter, but I am out the door right now to work more of it off at the gym. I can always go back to recording bands later in life. I would have no chance at retirement/pensions/healthcare if I just worked as an independent studio otherwise.

Are you really in Jamaica? Thanks for approving my friend request. Bye.