Hey guys! I know it’s been awhile, a lot of stuff happened I had a few ups and downs lately, recently the house me and my family was living in burned down...It was rough starting from scratch because we had no insurance. A lot were really nice, and gave donations. We’re fine now. Just been a rough few months, we recently found out my nephew may have autism...We are not sure yet though. We are still getting both kids evaluated. Zaydi too just in case. But yeah, I am sorry I haven’t been on in awhile. Hope you guys aren’t too sore at me. xD
Well anyway, Love you guys!
Damn, I'm sorry to hear about your house but glad you and your family are ok!
Thanks So much! I appreciate it. It’s hard, but I think we are doing good as far as the living situation goes. Just was hard to deal with. Ended up almost jumping off a bridge cause of all the stress it caused. But things are doing good now.