So, I've told you about my mom; now its a little bit about me.
My family has always been broken, and large but that doesn't really matter much to me. The fact is I depend my life on two people and their own families. My brothers, they don't know I want to become a suicide girl, or even anything about it and i tend to keep it that way. Even being cocky about the way I look or who I am as a person. I always have a dark cover over my body and mind. I have had depression for a very long time, I can't completely remember when it all started. When I was younger I would either act out and hurt myself or try to end it all. Don't worry, I'm not that bad anymore. I sleep. I sleep more than normal people, or the need to. Though that's how I'll deal with it.
Now don't worry, I don't hurt myself anymore but I still have a huge and unending black cloth over my mind and heart. I don't want anyone to worry if I drop off the face of the world for a few days. I'm okay, I promise. I'll be back and normal again.
So much love,