Woo, time to update proparly. Week before last, my gf came across the country for 4 days and 3 nights and we stayed at my friends house in Canterbury as we weren't able to stay at mine for various reasons. Been to Canterbury before? The cleanliness of it amazed me. So, Kate left on the Saturday and it was the hardest goodbye we've had yet. She's finally taken a semi-decent pic of herself...
After saying goodbye to her I went straight to covent garden to meet Adtrawn and KittyP and went for a sit down in Coffee, Cake and Kink. Adthrawn gave me a signed Bif Naked cd for my birthday. I did a lot of embarrasing squealing. We then went on to the Ship for the SGUK meet. Sorry if i seemed a bit anti-social, was still pretty depressed from Kate leaving. After The Ship I went to Club Motherfucker but left after half an hour because i just wasn't up for it even though i'd been looking forward to seeing Lesbians on Ecstasy for ages.
I'd been doing 10hr days at work before all this. Since it was half term, my breakfast/afterschool club turns into a holiday club which means the kids are there all day. For 3 days of the week we had 23 kids brought in from Ealing. What the lady who'd brought them in had failed to tell us is these kids were from social services and most of them have to go to a specialist school because other schools won't accept them because of the amount of times they've been expelled etc. It was hell. There were a family of pikey kids, 4 brothers and a sister and they were constantly having fights with other kids. I mean proper fights too, it was just unbelievable what they could do and these kids were aged 7-11. We obviously didn't allow the trouble makers to come back and the others got better day by day.
Before any of this i got a tattoo. That's how long it's been since i updated proparly. It's artwork from the Distillers album 'Coral Fang'. Am totally in love with the artwork from that album. It's my first tattoo too and is on the inside of my right hip. The pic is totally shit so apologies. You can't really see the razor blade she has for a head proparly in it....
So, apart from all that...everything is well.

After saying goodbye to her I went straight to covent garden to meet Adtrawn and KittyP and went for a sit down in Coffee, Cake and Kink. Adthrawn gave me a signed Bif Naked cd for my birthday. I did a lot of embarrasing squealing. We then went on to the Ship for the SGUK meet. Sorry if i seemed a bit anti-social, was still pretty depressed from Kate leaving. After The Ship I went to Club Motherfucker but left after half an hour because i just wasn't up for it even though i'd been looking forward to seeing Lesbians on Ecstasy for ages.

I'd been doing 10hr days at work before all this. Since it was half term, my breakfast/afterschool club turns into a holiday club which means the kids are there all day. For 3 days of the week we had 23 kids brought in from Ealing. What the lady who'd brought them in had failed to tell us is these kids were from social services and most of them have to go to a specialist school because other schools won't accept them because of the amount of times they've been expelled etc. It was hell. There were a family of pikey kids, 4 brothers and a sister and they were constantly having fights with other kids. I mean proper fights too, it was just unbelievable what they could do and these kids were aged 7-11. We obviously didn't allow the trouble makers to come back and the others got better day by day.
Before any of this i got a tattoo. That's how long it's been since i updated proparly. It's artwork from the Distillers album 'Coral Fang'. Am totally in love with the artwork from that album. It's my first tattoo too and is on the inside of my right hip. The pic is totally shit so apologies. You can't really see the razor blade she has for a head proparly in it....

So, apart from all that...everything is well.

they must have an army of street cleaners
an ARMY!