My weekend started with the Daughters of the Kaos show at Infinity on Friday with Fanny along with Sianyriot and her gf and friend who had randomly gotten out of a taxi while i was waiting outside to go in. Was a good night, i was supposed to dj but was in two minds about it so when I was playing and a guy kept on trying to persuade me to play his stuff i just let him. It was about 2 o'clock and i just couldn't be bothered but the night ended up with about 8 of us playing spin the bottle in a corner of a club. Fun
Then a few hours after getting up from that was the Creamy Fanny Extravaganza. Was nice seeing everyone I hadn't seen since the last big meet and meeting so many new people. I was actually fairly scared, sorry if i didn't introduce myself to you! So yah, we went to afterskool. Were then told by friends there was a squat party in Peckham. Fanny, Catcher, Adthrawn, CreamyGoodness and myself took a very squashed cab ride there and then found that the police had busted it and weren't letting anyone in. We gave up trying to find ways to get in so it was back to Fanny's, minus Catcher who had to go and catch a coach, and it ended up with 4 of us trying to fit into her bed and laughing at the most weird things like we were at a high school slumber party. I think at one point both of my legs and my arms were numb. Creamy makes great noises as he's falling into slumber though
If you've seen the pics, don't ask me what I'm doing in one the bed shots. Looks like I'm trying to take out my top set of teeth, they're mine i swear!

Then a few hours after getting up from that was the Creamy Fanny Extravaganza. Was nice seeing everyone I hadn't seen since the last big meet and meeting so many new people. I was actually fairly scared, sorry if i didn't introduce myself to you! So yah, we went to afterskool. Were then told by friends there was a squat party in Peckham. Fanny, Catcher, Adthrawn, CreamyGoodness and myself took a very squashed cab ride there and then found that the police had busted it and weren't letting anyone in. We gave up trying to find ways to get in so it was back to Fanny's, minus Catcher who had to go and catch a coach, and it ended up with 4 of us trying to fit into her bed and laughing at the most weird things like we were at a high school slumber party. I think at one point both of my legs and my arms were numb. Creamy makes great noises as he's falling into slumber though

All my Bif CD's are signed...