i sent an email when i thought you just had to send an email like the bif one, then i got an email from her with a question to answer and heard nothing back.
i really want to go and i'd love to win the trip.
there has to be even less uk fans than bif has (and she doesnt have many).
meri is the one who managed to sort me out a photopass for bif tomorrow
Congrats on getting the place in Cardiff.
Any more news on those other two guys who attacked you & your gf? It's good that they actually got someone; maybe they'll get them too, if they haven't already
Ireland was...eventful. I drank too much on the boat over and ended up puking in the car on the way to my nan's, I've only puked from drink twice before and i've told myself never to get into the state where it could happen again but alas.... There was also an old punk on it who tried to convince me he was in Anti Nowhere... Read More
Am off to Wales later tonight as I have a meeting tomorrow morning with my possible future managers. Wish me luck!!
Then I'm off to Ireland on Friday with my family and gf for the weekend. Haven't seen most of my relatives for a few years so am looking forward to it.
Bif Naked on Monday was amazing. Her songs are even better live and... Read More
"All you bitches throw your hands in the hair and wave them like you just don't care." New System of a Down album, woo!!
Not much happening at the moment, got my computer sorted (just about) thank fuck. This friday my gf and I would be dating for 3 months, has gone so fast. Then it's her birthday this weekend too and most of her... Read More
Woo, time to update proparly. Week before last, my gf came across the country for 4 days and 3 nights and we stayed at my friends house in Canterbury as we weren't able to stay at mine for various reasons. Been to Canterbury before? The cleanliness of it amazed me. So, Kate left on the Saturday and it was the hardest goodbye we've had yet.... Read More
Sorry I've been totally lame at updating, haven't been on SG that much lately. Quite a bit has happened so will update with bits and bobs later for now...
*GF came over to this side of the country for a few days. Got told off for apparently having sex in a McDonalds cubicle when we weren't at all.
The weekend just gone was so fucking good, I didn't want to come home. I'm really into her. I wasn't supposed to be seeing her for another 2 weeks cause both of us are busy but I've been able to re-arrange this saturday so I'm able to stay the night, I can't wait.
I also came out to my parents on Monday. I thought it... Read More
le sigh
im so sorry to hear about that convo
kinda makes me sad too that you dont like boys.....
but thats only because i harbor secret fantasies of our wild orgy parties on tropical islands drinking margaritas!!!!!
*hugs ya again*
ok in all seriousness
enjoy the concert?
and sorry to hear about the dress
ps tell ol zophiel I said hey
hehe well handled situation babe! Always tell it like it is..
Doesnt it drive you mad how everything you do with your life is mum's business cz of how it reflects on her life!? *gah*
if anyone gives you any lip I'll send the boys round in the mini always more terrifying being faced by giant ruffians emerging from a deceptively small tin can on wheels
See yoooooooou there if you are, and if not, I might just have two spare tickets hanging around
hope you had a good time.