Well.. what an interesting week this has been..
I've become a bit of a celebrity at the school I modelled at this past week. Some anal retentive asswipe who is a part of the community Theatre group that uses the theatre in the school, took it upon himself to take down all the life drawing studies and sketches (of Yours Truly) that had been put on display in the halls and throw them on the garbage. There is now a huge political war between the art school and the theatre about this man's actions, and he's trying to get all his puritanical cronies on his side, in the view that the life drawing studies are obscene and inappropriate. Can you believe it? I had to check to see that this is indeed 2005.
I'll be writing all sorts of nasty letters to said theatre group and whoever sponsors them. Fun and games and censorship, oh my!
Yeah, so if you want me to model for your class, have your people call my people..
I've become a bit of a celebrity at the school I modelled at this past week. Some anal retentive asswipe who is a part of the community Theatre group that uses the theatre in the school, took it upon himself to take down all the life drawing studies and sketches (of Yours Truly) that had been put on display in the halls and throw them on the garbage. There is now a huge political war between the art school and the theatre about this man's actions, and he's trying to get all his puritanical cronies on his side, in the view that the life drawing studies are obscene and inappropriate. Can you believe it? I had to check to see that this is indeed 2005.
I'll be writing all sorts of nasty letters to said theatre group and whoever sponsors them. Fun and games and censorship, oh my!
Yeah, so if you want me to model for your class, have your people call my people..

I just read your journal entry and all I have to say is that you are in excellent company when it comes to women who have been immortallized as models.
Surely, he doesn't have ny authority to take down other peoples' pictures anyway since, if I read this correctly, the theatre group is just one group that uses the art school.