Ok so somethings wrong with me today..
I'm puttering around, minding my own business.. when I start to get dizzy. Not nauseous, not ill, I dont have high blood pressure, no blood sugar problems.. I'm just walking around feeling like I just got off the tilt-a-whirl at the midway. Except it doesnt go away. Scrambled brains, anyone?
Maybe its the $750 fricking bucks I have to shell out to fix the damn car. Bloody catalytic converter. Grr.
Well, at least the weathers supposed to improve later this week. Now maybe those yummy morels will make an appearance on the front lawn.
Hey.. distract me! Tell me a funny story, post a silly picture, tell me a rude joke.
No frogs in blenders, though kthx. I'm dizzy enough as it is.
I'm puttering around, minding my own business.. when I start to get dizzy. Not nauseous, not ill, I dont have high blood pressure, no blood sugar problems.. I'm just walking around feeling like I just got off the tilt-a-whirl at the midway. Except it doesnt go away. Scrambled brains, anyone?
Maybe its the $750 fricking bucks I have to shell out to fix the damn car. Bloody catalytic converter. Grr.
Well, at least the weathers supposed to improve later this week. Now maybe those yummy morels will make an appearance on the front lawn.
Hey.. distract me! Tell me a funny story, post a silly picture, tell me a rude joke.
No frogs in blenders, though kthx. I'm dizzy enough as it is.

What goes clip clop clip clop bang bang clip clop?
An Amish drive by.....