The crocuses are poking up through the ground and the air has lost that frigid chill. Thank goodness.
Yawwnn.. Roared around in the yard and did waay too much in the way of cleanup and winter detritus chasing.... me is pooped.
Happy Green Beer day to all.
Going to go snuggle with my guy on the couch now.
Ask me a question.. I cant think of anything clever these days.
The crocuses are poking up through the ground and the air has lost that frigid chill. Thank goodness.
Yawwnn.. Roared around in the yard and did waay too much in the way of cleanup and winter detritus chasing.... me is pooped.
Happy Green Beer day to all.
Going to go snuggle with my guy on the couch now.
Ask me a question.. I cant think of anything clever these days.

happy spring time.
1. Hey what kind of medival music have you got? Have you got the wiccan chants on 4AD? have you got the stuff by gothic voices (servce for venus and mars?)
2. was wondering about the certaintanty with which you alledge that there are those that have the Will to be a major influence... I am independent and I am more than curious, tell me more?
kinda been outa touch. hard to do this all the time--it takes over, y'know?