My Mum came through the operation fine! What a relief. She's still in ICU- but, one step at a time, as they say. Thanks again for all the good wishes and support.
I also appreciate the advice on what to do with the windfall.. I've thought about it and I think I can be both smart and sensible and alittle bit frivolous, all at the same time. I do like to cover all the bases.
Hmm.. the kid's asleep, its my man's day off..I might slide into the bedroom and demand favours..
-What was your favourite subject in school (as a kid(?
-SG seems to be everyones favourite site, tell me your second fave...
-What ancient culture attracts you the most (if any)?
I also appreciate the advice on what to do with the windfall.. I've thought about it and I think I can be both smart and sensible and alittle bit frivolous, all at the same time. I do like to cover all the bases.
Hmm.. the kid's asleep, its my man's day off..I might slide into the bedroom and demand favours..

-What was your favourite subject in school (as a kid(?
-SG seems to be everyones favourite site, tell me your second fave...
-What ancient culture attracts you the most (if any)?

first question...History...Especially the American Civil War
second question...LadyBeasts Liar
Third question...Native American and Greek
-history, definitely history. at one point in time, i was going to be a history teacher
-i dunno. probably
-carthage...and japanese