SO finally got Photoshop again.. yay! I'm hopelessly addicted to that program. I used to spend hours playing around at work with it.. so much so that my eyes would glaze over and Id get all zombified. Yet another way to spend too much time sitting on my backside, slowly getting secretary's ass..
Going to colour my hair now.. doing this stay at home mum thing is tough, primarily cause I'm constantly having to fight the boring suburban mother thing. I refuse to buy womens magazines, watch Oprah (or any daytime tv for that matter) and shop at wal-mart. I wont be caught dead wearing pjs with teddybears on them (what is with that anyways? you go into a store to get nightwear and you are bombarded with cute fluffyass jammies with duckies and bunnies on them that would suit my 2 year old !! And they wonder why theres so many fucked up men who like little girls- this society is dressing grown women in nightwear for 5 year olds! Makes me sick.)
Anyways, yeh.. going to do the hair thing..
Going to colour my hair now.. doing this stay at home mum thing is tough, primarily cause I'm constantly having to fight the boring suburban mother thing. I refuse to buy womens magazines, watch Oprah (or any daytime tv for that matter) and shop at wal-mart. I wont be caught dead wearing pjs with teddybears on them (what is with that anyways? you go into a store to get nightwear and you are bombarded with cute fluffyass jammies with duckies and bunnies on them that would suit my 2 year old !! And they wonder why theres so many fucked up men who like little girls- this society is dressing grown women in nightwear for 5 year olds! Makes me sick.)

Anyways, yeh.. going to do the hair thing..
My tattoos are fine actually. I took a lot of care with them during my pregnancy. I put lotion and cream on there a few times a day. Plus my skin is apparently really elastic so everything came out great. And when my docotor did my c-section he made sure to go between my tattoos. 

Wishing you a good week.