Hmm well last week seemed to zip past pretty damn fast! Spent much of it playing Mr Grownup trying to get a grip on a finances. The good news is that it doesn't look that bad, and should be able to save a few more pennies by updating my insurance and claiming single person's council tax etc. Considering getting a loan now to pay off my credit cards and do up my kitchen (if anyone has any recommendations then please let me know ASAP).
Was out in Kings X on Friday and managed have fun on a modest budget by drinking copiously before leaving the house. Got up super-early Saturday for the gas man to find that he'd already been and I'd missed him, grr. Went back to bed, got up again, shambled about a bit. Tried some Vampire LRP Saturday night on the promise that it would be fun, but (surprise, surprise) it sucked ass.
Sunday spent several hours repainting the spare room, then took a trip to the Secret Nuclear Bunker in Kelvedon, Essex, which is actually really fun, in a bleak, grim kinda way. The automated tour man is almost gleeful in recounting how people would burn to death or starve in the event of a nuclear explosion. And the educational videos are just shockingly priceless.
Was out in Kings X on Friday and managed have fun on a modest budget by drinking copiously before leaving the house. Got up super-early Saturday for the gas man to find that he'd already been and I'd missed him, grr. Went back to bed, got up again, shambled about a bit. Tried some Vampire LRP Saturday night on the promise that it would be fun, but (surprise, surprise) it sucked ass.

Sunday spent several hours repainting the spare room, then took a trip to the Secret Nuclear Bunker in Kelvedon, Essex, which is actually really fun, in a bleak, grim kinda way. The automated tour man is almost gleeful in recounting how people would burn to death or starve in the event of a nuclear explosion. And the educational videos are just shockingly priceless.

I saw the last Star Wars in the interval. It was pretty good. Definitely the best of the prequels, at least in my ever-humble opinion (my dad felt it was the worst of the three). Biggest howler moment was, contrary to most critical reviews I've read, not "hold me like you did by the lake at Naboo!" but Vader's first words at the end of that oh-so-dramatic sequence where he first arises in the Vader suit.
That was pretty awful. The rest of the movie was good, but the otherwise cool sequence with the debut of the Vader suit was so, so bad. Totally ruined that scene when he talked.
Oh well. It was good enough that I'm satisfied and do not regret the loss of my eight bucks.
I'd have to go back and watch the old movies to double-check on this, but I don't remember geriatric-Vader-revealed as being badly burn scarred. As I recall, he was mostly just old and doughy (something I'd wondered about for a while -- how, exactly, does one become pudgy when living inside a suit that seems to offer just enough sustenance to maintain life? Is he sneaking cheese sandwiches in there? You'd think he would be unhealthily thin, if anything). But other than that, I'll leave picking out the flaws to those who are geekier, and more knowledgeable, than I.