Tsk I'm well overdue for an update aren't I?
Saturday went ok Dragonmeet was the busiest I've ever seen it, and my demos went pretty well although I was down on the people for the tournament. Passed on the Firefly thing in the evening to chill with some mates and industry types.
Sunday roused myself at a reasonable hour to do shopping and DIY things. The bad news was that last week I got the wrong shelves (either measured it wrong or picked the wrong ones up) but the good news was I rejiggled things and made best use of them anyways. Impressed myself with mucho sawing and power tool action and house is now one step close to order. Hurrah!
Borrowed Cold Mountain from the local rental shop and I have to say that although it was nicely done, it's the bleakest and most humourless storytelling in a long time. And it's not very nice as far as animals are concerned either. I guess pretty spot on for the period concerned, but I can't really say it made for enjoyable or rewarding viewing. Mph.
Still haven't seen Incredibles though tsk will try and catch it in the next few days. I think I'll also take time to catch Blade III now that it's finally here (vampire fan that I am). And maybe I Love Huckabees too if I can. Need to play catchup at UGC anyways.
Also looking forward to RotK Extended only 3 days away now! I guess I'll be writing off Saturday to watch all three Extended versions back to back (edited to say does anyone want to join me?)

Saturday went ok Dragonmeet was the busiest I've ever seen it, and my demos went pretty well although I was down on the people for the tournament. Passed on the Firefly thing in the evening to chill with some mates and industry types.
Sunday roused myself at a reasonable hour to do shopping and DIY things. The bad news was that last week I got the wrong shelves (either measured it wrong or picked the wrong ones up) but the good news was I rejiggled things and made best use of them anyways. Impressed myself with mucho sawing and power tool action and house is now one step close to order. Hurrah!

Borrowed Cold Mountain from the local rental shop and I have to say that although it was nicely done, it's the bleakest and most humourless storytelling in a long time. And it's not very nice as far as animals are concerned either. I guess pretty spot on for the period concerned, but I can't really say it made for enjoyable or rewarding viewing. Mph.

Still haven't seen Incredibles though tsk will try and catch it in the next few days. I think I'll also take time to catch Blade III now that it's finally here (vampire fan that I am). And maybe I Love Huckabees too if I can. Need to play catchup at UGC anyways.

Also looking forward to RotK Extended only 3 days away now! I guess I'll be writing off Saturday to watch all three Extended versions back to back (edited to say does anyone want to join me?)

How are you, sir?
Edited to comment on your last comment... I am naturally blond you know!
[Edited on Dec 09, 2004 10:40PM]
Heh don't make promises you can't keep I have hard enough trouble keeping up with my bookmarks.
Oh yeee of little faith
I can't keep up with bookmarks either!
So many people, so little time!
Or is that the other way around?