Well another week gone by, another step closer to xmas (less than 5 weeks now folks!). Not much to report, and have spent much of the week playing the shiny, gripping and entirely addictive Half Life 2 (not that I'm really that obsessive - I've just discovered DOG on the third level whereas a bunch of people have completed it already!). Aside from that this weekend I watched Harry Potter #3 (splendid actually, far superior in every way to the previous two) and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind (ingenious storytelling, and superb turns from all the cast). Also played at being a superhero and a anti-government activist investigating alien conspiracies. Saw my folks and my bro and caught up on some sleep. Not exactly earth-shattering stuff, but overall an ok weekend. Looking forward now to our meetup this Saturday coming - especially to meeting the people I've not yet met before! How about the rest of you? 

why thankyou
saving my pennies for christmas! bummer i know. the third harry potter is good - *crossing fingers for the box set from santa* have fun this weekend me dear!