Ugh another weekend gone, and again not really enough sleep was had. It was a pleasure to be invited out on Fri but decided to save my much-needed pennies instead and caught Bad Santa on the way home. I'm happy to say it was as darkly humourous as I'd hoped and I didn't stop chuckling the rest of the way home (to the bemusement of my fellow tube travellers). On Saturday I performed an epic number of chores, including washing my kitchen floor for the first time in over a year. Collapsed mid-afternoon for a rest and then got royally drunk with an old friend who came over and we stayed up until 3.00am with multi-player Medieval: Total War battles (2:2 stalemate in the end). Had to get up Sunday to head into Essex. Saw my pal Jason for the first time since the wedding in Scotland and met his adorable little puppy (collie/labrador cross, 16 wks old and all nose, tail and paw). Then landed dinner from my ma before making up some Conspiracy X characters and then heading home again. Weekend done. Passed far too quickly as usual. Now just fighting apathy and tiredness at work and heading for an early night. Tsk, anyone would think I was getting old... *sigh*

its like a tongue twister.