So what was up with the site yesterday? Anyone know? Could hardly log all day tsk...
Anyway, here we are and it's Tuesday already. Fingers xssed this week moves a bit faster than last week. Battlestar Galactica was ace last night just keeps getting better and better IMHO. If you're not watching it you'll be kicking yourself...
The weekend was cool nice to see everyone on Friday, and it was great to - despite being crap at pool - win four games on the trot. Third time lucky eh Creamy?
The Questing Conference was also good, although I had to bail out before the end to get home at a reasonable hour thanks to s***ty works and buses on my line. I'll post a detailed report in my group for those who are interested. Not sure what happened to tinyblob who was supposed to be coming too, but I suppose I could hazard a guess...

Anyway, here we are and it's Tuesday already. Fingers xssed this week moves a bit faster than last week. Battlestar Galactica was ace last night just keeps getting better and better IMHO. If you're not watching it you'll be kicking yourself...

The weekend was cool nice to see everyone on Friday, and it was great to - despite being crap at pool - win four games on the trot. Third time lucky eh Creamy?

The Questing Conference was also good, although I had to bail out before the end to get home at a reasonable hour thanks to s***ty works and buses on my line. I'll post a detailed report in my group for those who are interested. Not sure what happened to tinyblob who was supposed to be coming too, but I suppose I could hazard a guess...

Hermes said onNovember 09, 2004 03:58 AM (In SexyMagdalene's journal.) Never tried Rifts is it any good? Just rediscovered Last Unicorn's Star Trek RPG and thinking of giving it a crack. So what's NWN anyways?
Rifts is a big game. Lots of books but a pretty easy game structure. I haven't read any of the books out right but I have gotten a little more into it than I was before. Mind you, the last time I played was almost 10 years ago... I see that you are into cyper/sci-fi stuff. This would probably be to your liking then. I would recommend looking into it but forewarn you; you will spend a lot of money on these books!
NWN is the acronym for Neverwinter Nights... But I was having trouble getting my computer to let the game run... Oh well.