I was struggling to think of something to update with, but quite handily I can now steal this quiz from doplex!
-First gig you ever went to
The Almighty at Southend Cliffs Pavillion
-First album you bought
Cassette Michael Jackson Bad/LP Pet Shop Boys Introspective/CD Nirvana Nevermind
-What a load of rubbish! What was the first good one?
Nirvana's Nevermind
-What was the last album you bought
Slipknot Vol. 3
-Is there a song that makes you want to cry when you hear it?
No particular song I can name. A lot of Country is pretty melancholy though.
-You Gaylord! Surely one song make you happier than any other?
Again no single song I can name. It's good to start the day with some Fishbone or summat similarly upbeat. The theme/intro music for Firefly (TV show) gives me a pleasant swelling in my heart too (how sad).
- Which musical twats, past and present, would you like to kill or hurt quite badly
Busted. Good Charlotte. Violent Delight.
- Favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Hmm tough one. Dr Who or Blake's 7 maybe?
- Favourite TV show now?
Right now Deadwood.
- What TV show throughout the years has freaked you out? Was scared of some of the monsters in Dr Who when I was little. More recently I'm more scared by poor writing and production values of the latest lame offerings.
- Favourite Film
Tough call to name just one.
- Worst.film.ever
Battlefield Earth is as bad as everyone says.
- Sunday afternoon movie marathon: which trilogy or series of films do you watch?
LOTR (extended versions).
- Youre allowed to shag one actor/actress only once. Whos it to be?
Angelina Jolie (right there with you mr doplex!)
- The last DVD you bought
Open Range
- The last film you watched
The Score
- The last film you truly loved
Spiderman 2
Health, Hygiene and Body (slightly scatological)
- How many sheets of toilet paper on average do you use to wipe yer bum?
Err. More than 6? Not that I usually count or anything...
- Have you ever been caught scratching your arse in public Of course
- Ever farted on public transport
Of course
- Most unappealing personal habit
Probably nose picking
- ever had an operaration?
Nothing invasive so far
- Best physical feature?
I've been told my ass, my calves, or my hands *shrugs*
- Worst physical feature?
It's all pretty crappy but have been worried more about the belly lately...
- Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex (be honest)
Legs from ass to ankle
- Do you think youre good looking?
Nothing special, but nothing too heinous either
- When was the last time you were physically sick and why
Year before last during my last bout of tonsilitus
- Favourite toy(s)?
Lego, Lego, Lego and then more Lego.
- Favourite Place?
My bedroom
- Favourite Sweets?
Never really loved sweets that much. Donuts though hmmm...
- Favourite memory?
*shrugs* nothing specific comes to mind
- Least favourite memory?
My parents shouting when they split.
The Adult Round *snicker*
- Ever been in a purely sexual relationship?
- Ever messed around with the same sex?
- Ever tried Anal?
- Favourite sex toy?
- Ever slept with more than one person within 24 hours?
- When was your last shag?
- Was it any good?
It was ok I've had worse
- Do you fancy someone just now?
Not really *sigh*
- Do you like porn?
Works as a lazy plan b
- Favourite porn title?
Don't have one
- Rate your sexual performance from 1-10
Right now zero, but given half a chance it'd be in the 6-9 range...
Last but not least
- On a scale of 1-10, how lame is this quiz?
8, I've seen worse...

-First gig you ever went to
The Almighty at Southend Cliffs Pavillion
-First album you bought
Cassette Michael Jackson Bad/LP Pet Shop Boys Introspective/CD Nirvana Nevermind
-What a load of rubbish! What was the first good one?
Nirvana's Nevermind
-What was the last album you bought
Slipknot Vol. 3
-Is there a song that makes you want to cry when you hear it?
No particular song I can name. A lot of Country is pretty melancholy though.
-You Gaylord! Surely one song make you happier than any other?
Again no single song I can name. It's good to start the day with some Fishbone or summat similarly upbeat. The theme/intro music for Firefly (TV show) gives me a pleasant swelling in my heart too (how sad).
- Which musical twats, past and present, would you like to kill or hurt quite badly
Busted. Good Charlotte. Violent Delight.
- Favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Hmm tough one. Dr Who or Blake's 7 maybe?
- Favourite TV show now?
Right now Deadwood.
- What TV show throughout the years has freaked you out? Was scared of some of the monsters in Dr Who when I was little. More recently I'm more scared by poor writing and production values of the latest lame offerings.
- Favourite Film
Tough call to name just one.
- Worst.film.ever
Battlefield Earth is as bad as everyone says.
- Sunday afternoon movie marathon: which trilogy or series of films do you watch?
LOTR (extended versions).
- Youre allowed to shag one actor/actress only once. Whos it to be?
Angelina Jolie (right there with you mr doplex!)
- The last DVD you bought
Open Range
- The last film you watched
The Score
- The last film you truly loved
Spiderman 2
Health, Hygiene and Body (slightly scatological)
- How many sheets of toilet paper on average do you use to wipe yer bum?
Err. More than 6? Not that I usually count or anything...
- Have you ever been caught scratching your arse in public Of course

- Ever farted on public transport
Of course

- Most unappealing personal habit
Probably nose picking
- ever had an operaration?
Nothing invasive so far
- Best physical feature?
I've been told my ass, my calves, or my hands *shrugs*
- Worst physical feature?
It's all pretty crappy but have been worried more about the belly lately...
- Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex (be honest)
Legs from ass to ankle

- Do you think youre good looking?
Nothing special, but nothing too heinous either
- When was the last time you were physically sick and why
Year before last during my last bout of tonsilitus
- Favourite toy(s)?
Lego, Lego, Lego and then more Lego.
- Favourite Place?
My bedroom
- Favourite Sweets?
Never really loved sweets that much. Donuts though hmmm...
- Favourite memory?
*shrugs* nothing specific comes to mind
- Least favourite memory?
My parents shouting when they split.
The Adult Round *snicker*
- Ever been in a purely sexual relationship?
- Ever messed around with the same sex?
- Ever tried Anal?
- Favourite sex toy?
- Ever slept with more than one person within 24 hours?
- When was your last shag?
- Was it any good?
It was ok I've had worse
- Do you fancy someone just now?
Not really *sigh*
- Do you like porn?
Works as a lazy plan b
- Favourite porn title?
Don't have one
- Rate your sexual performance from 1-10
Right now zero, but given half a chance it'd be in the 6-9 range...

Last but not least
- On a scale of 1-10, how lame is this quiz?
8, I've seen worse...

