Ok back from Expedition No. 3. Far too little food or sleep, Far too much beer and gaming. Still reeling in horror at the amount of money I spent. Played at Pirates and Superheroes, plus took a tour of the solar system with Queen Victoria, the Mekon and Ming the Merciless and on the Sunday I killed Galactus twice. Also lost gold betting on monsters fighting in a gladiatorial arena, and failed miserably to win the Cthulhu 500 with my red Fearari. Ah well tsk. I came home laden with goodies and stories. Glad that GenCon was much improved, and appalled at how shabby and chavvish Butlins has become
Thankfully the animals have survived my time away thanks to the efforts of my family, my housmate and me ex. Now a couple of weeks of doing bugger all I think, not just because I'm exhausted but because my wallet wouldn't cope with it anyway. Next Expedition is in two weeks to the Questing Conference, which is quite close by, and I've got my ticket already. And there's plenty of TV to keep me company now that Battlestar Galactica has started to join Atlantis, Deadwood, Carnivale, The Dead Zone and Hex. Eep no TV for like 9 months or more and then it all comes along at once! Also discovered that when I got back yesterday my ma had brought over all my old Lego to make space at her place - although it should really all go in the loft I can see several days spent making castles and spaceships first!

Thankfully the animals have survived my time away thanks to the efforts of my family, my housmate and me ex. Now a couple of weeks of doing bugger all I think, not just because I'm exhausted but because my wallet wouldn't cope with it anyway. Next Expedition is in two weeks to the Questing Conference, which is quite close by, and I've got my ticket already. And there's plenty of TV to keep me company now that Battlestar Galactica has started to join Atlantis, Deadwood, Carnivale, The Dead Zone and Hex. Eep no TV for like 9 months or more and then it all comes along at once! Also discovered that when I got back yesterday my ma had brought over all my old Lego to make space at her place - although it should really all go in the loft I can see several days spent making castles and spaceships first!

if you wanna get rid of some i'm always looking to expand my lego army ! i'm actually gona take a photo to illustrate my love for lego and my loyal and fierce lego army!!!
*few* sorry about that glad you had a good time! sounds like you couldn't run out of things to do! boo that you lost with your gambling antics, i wrote a piece about glaiators for work, did you know they had midget gladiators too!! they would fight other midget gladiators and women! now i'd pay good money to see that kind of action! he he he he!
i'm dieing to see carnivale - i looks so good! but like munch i suffer from a severe lack of sky-ness!
ahh well take care me dear