Well the weekend was dead cool. Over the course of the last four days I've played a doddery old wizard (a la Dumbledore) who got shot, an evil demon who wanted to kill everyone, a X-Wing pilot and squadron leader and a bumbling French detective (a la Clouseau). Plus killed lots of zombies and discovered the extremely violent wonders of Burnout 3 on the X-Box. Geek factor azillion!
Just taking a breather now before another weekend of the same out west in Minehead. Hope you guys are all cool? See you on the flip side to October Expedition No. 3!

Just taking a breather now before another weekend of the same out west in Minehead. Hope you guys are all cool? See you on the flip side to October Expedition No. 3!

hi, just letting you know that the choices for the bookgroup are up for voting on.

Hope you had fun in minehead? Wherever that is!