Well I'm still alive. Back in one piece despite over 9 hours of travelling and then missing the last tube thanks to engineering works somewhere south of Edinburgh tsk. Was my first time in bonnie Scotland was very mountainy and rainy with many demon cows but was cool. The wedding itself was ace with everything running smoothly everyone showing up in time and getting on the lovely couple were, well, lovely, and the grand old time was had by all. Got incredibly nervous and fluffed some chords but apparently my singing efforts were much appreciated. Lamed out a bit on the speech front, but it was ok as everyone ended up saying their own bit anyway. The groom's nutty Polish mum came in the end and thankfully she didn't ruin it. Managed to consume large amounts of whiskys I'd never even heard of before. Edrador sounds like a province of Middle Earth. And Aderlour was also my room name at Venlor. I passed on the kaylee though as the energy levels required were by that point beyond me. Now have two stinking suits to retire to the hire place. Fingers xssed the bride and groom get back ok to pick up their early flight to India tomorrow.
Not much other news as I've been too busy with being away and all that. Instead I shall link to the new episode of Weebl and Bob:
Not much other news as I've been too busy with being away and all that. Instead I shall link to the new episode of Weebl and Bob:

"Mike, where are you?
"I'm in Newcastle. I think I fell asleep on the tube."
"The tube doesn't go to Newcastle!"
"I must have changed at Euston"
Sounds like you had a good time. Hell, any opportunity to drink real whiskey is a good one. But I have to ask, "demon cows?"