Fought the lurgy and my common sense to hit the Electrowerkz on Friday. Despite remaining on orange juice, Ribena and water all night, and not really knowing anyone there I still had a great time. Interlock weren't quite what I expected but their strange fusion of doomcore, industrial, and drum'n'bass was interesting, if marred by the awful sound system (which TBH *must* be on it's last legs or summat). Also a pleasant surprise to run into Asha on dancing duties...
Despite little sleep and continuing lurgy I got up on Saturday and wasted vast quantities of effort tidying up my front garden a bit - mainly hacking at roses and blackberries which had grasped the opportunity of my neglect to try and take over the world. Bloody spiky tenacious bastards they were. Thank the heavens for big shears and thick gloves. After that was too super knackered to make it into town Saturday night. Chilled instead to watch Intolerable Cruelty & School of Rock before an early night tsk...
Sunday did a few more chores then did some prep work for a friend on his game for our weekend away in October. Then fought irritating replacement buses to Essex to catch up with my folks just back from the US, who got me a cool cowboy hat and had some great stories about Vegas and the Rockies
Thankfully the grot in my throat has now mostly departed. Could do with some more sleep, but no change there. The wedding in Scotland is now finally here - this weekend coming - so that's this week spoken for as I need to brush up on my songs and my speech and make sure I haven't forgotten anything...

Despite little sleep and continuing lurgy I got up on Saturday and wasted vast quantities of effort tidying up my front garden a bit - mainly hacking at roses and blackberries which had grasped the opportunity of my neglect to try and take over the world. Bloody spiky tenacious bastards they were. Thank the heavens for big shears and thick gloves. After that was too super knackered to make it into town Saturday night. Chilled instead to watch Intolerable Cruelty & School of Rock before an early night tsk...

Sunday did a few more chores then did some prep work for a friend on his game for our weekend away in October. Then fought irritating replacement buses to Essex to catch up with my folks just back from the US, who got me a cool cowboy hat and had some great stories about Vegas and the Rockies

Thankfully the grot in my throat has now mostly departed. Could do with some more sleep, but no change there. The wedding in Scotland is now finally here - this weekend coming - so that's this week spoken for as I need to brush up on my songs and my speech and make sure I haven't forgotten anything...

Sorry, I've only just shaken the mank that infected me and was just making sure it's safe to visit this page. Enjoy Scotland, unless you're going to Thurso in which case: Haha!
My roommate grew up in Vegas. His dad is pretty plugged into that crazy world, and man, does he have some interesting stories... We watched Casino one night and he basically gave a runing commentary... again proving that truth can be far stranger than fiction.