I had a very strange dream last night which had something to do with me developing some kind of supernatural power which allow me to read ancient and undecipherable languages and translate them into modern English. To activate the power though I had to squint at a round metal disc in the centre of one side of a pyramid-shaped object. The unknown script had to be transscribed onto the pyramid and then I would see the translation floating in overlaid ghostly lettering. Apparently I was a world phenomenon and the talk of the international scientific press. Fun while it lasted I guess.
Tsk I guess that's what happens when I start getting some proper sleep - I just start having strange dreams again.
Tsk I guess that's what happens when I start getting some proper sleep - I just start having strange dreams again.
Glad you liked the patch... I seem to recall it was one of the ones used on the security personnel. Or summats.
Modelmaking? We always need new blood. Unfortunately we need people who can hit the job running, ie read architectural/engineering drawings, use machinery, know their way around resins and sprayrooms, that kinda thing. There are courses, and munch has considered dropping out for 3 years to do one