Wow it is indeed amazing how time flies when you're having fun
Or when you're being ground into pulp by your soul-crushing job.
Or too busy pretending to be somewhere else to pay much attention to RL
So Warsaw was cool - very cold but very pretty. Also some wonderful food - the Polish are into their game so I had wild boar, venison, goose, duck. Not exactly a place for veggies. But cheap as chips - a meal that would've cost 50 in London was only about 20 over there. Went into the palace and wandered about the rest of the old town, peeking into churches and checking out the monuments. Sampled some interesting vodkas and a very tasty Polish porter. Also brought back some mead which I haven't tried yet.
Then off to a small UK freeform LRP con called Consequences which was a bit of a mixed bag. Met some lovely people and played some cool board games but the LRPs themselves were largely disappointing. The highlight was getting to play a Star Trek Federation captain (and wear a Next Gen red uniform) in a game which played out very much like Carry On Star Trek. I was definitely the straight man, but that suited me fine
Back at work things are continuing to get worse. The Powers That Be have decided to try and oust our CTO (and my boss), but not only does he have six months notice but he doesn't want to go and they don't have any sort of plan to try and see us through the interim. Or apparently any plan for when he's finally gone. And since our other techie is on two months sabbatical that leaves me holding the shit-filled can for the forseeable future. Except they won't give me any authority (or resource) to actually get anything done. So after New Year I'll probably have to quit, or otherwise go completely mental .
Xmas though has been a much-needed respite. I volunteered to cook for the folks for the first time, rather than the usual vice versa. I boned up on my Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay and thankfully it was a huge success - in fact possibly the best turkey I've ever eaten, even if I do say so myself. Boxing Day and the subsequent Bank Holiday was crammed with board games and now I'm holding the fort at work (from home) waiting for next weekend to arrive.
Oh, and every spare minute I've been playing The Old Republic, which is pretty amazing. Very much the online single-player game with team-up options I was looking for. And the immersion is pretty intense with great voice over acting and constant John Williams music in the background. And I've just discovered I can run it through my plasma for cinematic effect...
Hope everyone else has had a good crimbo so far, and that your New Year will be suitably awesome. Here's hoping 2012 will be better than 2011. *fingers xssed*

So Warsaw was cool - very cold but very pretty. Also some wonderful food - the Polish are into their game so I had wild boar, venison, goose, duck. Not exactly a place for veggies. But cheap as chips - a meal that would've cost 50 in London was only about 20 over there. Went into the palace and wandered about the rest of the old town, peeking into churches and checking out the monuments. Sampled some interesting vodkas and a very tasty Polish porter. Also brought back some mead which I haven't tried yet.
Then off to a small UK freeform LRP con called Consequences which was a bit of a mixed bag. Met some lovely people and played some cool board games but the LRPs themselves were largely disappointing. The highlight was getting to play a Star Trek Federation captain (and wear a Next Gen red uniform) in a game which played out very much like Carry On Star Trek. I was definitely the straight man, but that suited me fine

Back at work things are continuing to get worse. The Powers That Be have decided to try and oust our CTO (and my boss), but not only does he have six months notice but he doesn't want to go and they don't have any sort of plan to try and see us through the interim. Or apparently any plan for when he's finally gone. And since our other techie is on two months sabbatical that leaves me holding the shit-filled can for the forseeable future. Except they won't give me any authority (or resource) to actually get anything done. So after New Year I'll probably have to quit, or otherwise go completely mental .

Xmas though has been a much-needed respite. I volunteered to cook for the folks for the first time, rather than the usual vice versa. I boned up on my Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay and thankfully it was a huge success - in fact possibly the best turkey I've ever eaten, even if I do say so myself. Boxing Day and the subsequent Bank Holiday was crammed with board games and now I'm holding the fort at work (from home) waiting for next weekend to arrive.
Oh, and every spare minute I've been playing The Old Republic, which is pretty amazing. Very much the online single-player game with team-up options I was looking for. And the immersion is pretty intense with great voice over acting and constant John Williams music in the background. And I've just discovered I can run it through my plasma for cinematic effect...

Hope everyone else has had a good crimbo so far, and that your New Year will be suitably awesome. Here's hoping 2012 will be better than 2011. *fingers xssed*
I can empathise with your work situation, things never stay good or settled for long where I am. Management restructuring can be a nightmare or a blessing it's purely down to luck. There's 400 odd people where I work and it's inherently political it's not what you know but who you know. I feel sorry for people actually trying to make a career out of it since if the store manager doesn't like you for whatever reason then you'll go nowhere regardless of how good you are at your job. Working your arse off for 5 years to then be completely looked over? No thanks.
I've not got it myself yet, although I'll pick it up shortly. I'm totally picking up the new Twisted Metal too.