Hrm I had planned a big blog update before I went away but alas I ran out of time. In fact, I'm still backiing up my laptop at the moment and I'm due to leave at 6am for Heathrow Airport... 
I may or may not get Internet access in the next three weeks while I'm away, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Assuming not, I hope you all have an ace Xmas and New Year.
See you in 2010!
(And go and see Harry Brown - superb film, one not to be missed!)

I may or may not get Internet access in the next three weeks while I'm away, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Assuming not, I hope you all have an ace Xmas and New Year.
See you in 2010!
(And go and see Harry Brown - superb film, one not to be missed!)

ps- i'm always up for Board Games. scrabble and chess in particular