Hmm so where did the last month go...? *scratches head*
I guess I haven't been that fussed about updating, not because nothinig is happening, but because much of what I've been up to is a) unspeakably nerdy and b) unfathomable to the unitiated.
The last week or so I've been mostly absorbed in reading e-mails and books to get myself up to speed now that I'm the official Storyteller for a Vampire LRP game associated with the Isles of Darkness group. I have over 6,000 historic e-mails to read, about 20 regular players to cater for and a larger national ongoing story to bone up on; not only that but apparently I need to come up with some material for a regional game in September. Argh! (If anyone fancies giving it a try the next game is Saturday 8th August.)
Money is still very tight but the Ebay thing is still going well - I just need to resist the urge to buy stuff and just concentrate on the selling. Got a bit side-tracked when I re-discovered my old copy of Space Hulk which led to some impulse buys of old metal Terminators and Genestealers. As well as selling other gaming stuff I also have some old Lego sets with original boxes and instructions - sold one set last month for 100!
Another reason for trying to raise cash is because I've been talking to my dad about trying to go see him in the Solomon Islands. He's talking about paying for most of it but I want to contribute my fair share if I can, plus there'll be stuff like diving training to pay for on top. It's likely to be over the Xmas/New Year break so I can maximise my time away from work (this also gives me a great excuse to not have to go back to my Mum's again for Xmas - it was a bit of an ordeal last year). This does however create a dilemma as to who I can get to house/cat sit for me while I'm gone...
As far as the world of cinema goes, Terminator was cool, although fairly bland in the action stakes, and Transformers was as dumb and shallow as I expected. Public Enemies is awesome - a real visual feast - an immersive experience that sends you back in time. I also made time for The Hangover, which is hilarious. I'll probably go and see Harry Potter in the next week or two, although to be honest I'm not sure if I can be arsed.
On the small screen Dollhouse is definitely warming up. The first four episodes were unexciting and uninspired, but the next few quickly mutate into a much more compelling drama about the ethics and the consequences of controlling 'dolls'. (I understand that this metamorphosis has something to do with Fox ceasing their interference and just letting Joss Whedon get on with what he's good at.)
Also good is True Blood, which started on FUK on Friday - the reviews from the US have been overwhelmingly good, and I'm glad to say I'm not disappointed so far. The first episode is filled with colourful characters and shot through with black humour. Plus there's the innovative take on the vampire trope - with them 'coming out' in public and their blood being like a drug to the mortal population it allows for some very interesting social commentary. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it.
Will be making the next meet in London on the 1st. Hopefully I'll see most of you there. If only I could decide what to wear!
I guess I haven't been that fussed about updating, not because nothinig is happening, but because much of what I've been up to is a) unspeakably nerdy and b) unfathomable to the unitiated.
The last week or so I've been mostly absorbed in reading e-mails and books to get myself up to speed now that I'm the official Storyteller for a Vampire LRP game associated with the Isles of Darkness group. I have over 6,000 historic e-mails to read, about 20 regular players to cater for and a larger national ongoing story to bone up on; not only that but apparently I need to come up with some material for a regional game in September. Argh! (If anyone fancies giving it a try the next game is Saturday 8th August.)
Money is still very tight but the Ebay thing is still going well - I just need to resist the urge to buy stuff and just concentrate on the selling. Got a bit side-tracked when I re-discovered my old copy of Space Hulk which led to some impulse buys of old metal Terminators and Genestealers. As well as selling other gaming stuff I also have some old Lego sets with original boxes and instructions - sold one set last month for 100!
Another reason for trying to raise cash is because I've been talking to my dad about trying to go see him in the Solomon Islands. He's talking about paying for most of it but I want to contribute my fair share if I can, plus there'll be stuff like diving training to pay for on top. It's likely to be over the Xmas/New Year break so I can maximise my time away from work (this also gives me a great excuse to not have to go back to my Mum's again for Xmas - it was a bit of an ordeal last year). This does however create a dilemma as to who I can get to house/cat sit for me while I'm gone...
As far as the world of cinema goes, Terminator was cool, although fairly bland in the action stakes, and Transformers was as dumb and shallow as I expected. Public Enemies is awesome - a real visual feast - an immersive experience that sends you back in time. I also made time for The Hangover, which is hilarious. I'll probably go and see Harry Potter in the next week or two, although to be honest I'm not sure if I can be arsed.
On the small screen Dollhouse is definitely warming up. The first four episodes were unexciting and uninspired, but the next few quickly mutate into a much more compelling drama about the ethics and the consequences of controlling 'dolls'. (I understand that this metamorphosis has something to do with Fox ceasing their interference and just letting Joss Whedon get on with what he's good at.)
Also good is True Blood, which started on FUK on Friday - the reviews from the US have been overwhelmingly good, and I'm glad to say I'm not disappointed so far. The first episode is filled with colourful characters and shot through with black humour. Plus there's the innovative take on the vampire trope - with them 'coming out' in public and their blood being like a drug to the mortal population it allows for some very interesting social commentary. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it.
Will be making the next meet in London on the 1st. Hopefully I'll see most of you there. If only I could decide what to wear!
