Well a lot of people have been posting retrospectives of the year so I guess I should have a stab at it. Unfortunately 2008 for me has been somewhat bland. I'm struggling to remember where all the time went, or what I've achieved. To prevent me from rambling here are some bullet points:
- Cloverfield
- Battlestar Galactica season 4
- Running an awesome LRP at a mini games con to celebrate its 10th anniversary
- SGUK Birmingham meet
- SGUK London meet (for TheQuestion's birthday)
- The Dark Knight
- Iron Man
- Discovering the Battlestar Galactica board game
- Going to Prague
- Going to the Unconvention
- Seeing Slipknot & Machine Head
- Selling stuff on Ebay
- No Country For Old Men
- Everything costing so much more so I'm skint all the time
- My company stripping back and firing two people
- Finishing a 6-year long Sorceror's Crusade RPG game (it was good, just sad to see it end)
- My Vaio laptop broke so I can't use it any more
- My brother failed to move out of my folks' place meaning I'm still storing all his stuff
- I still haven't finished my kitchen
- Still single
Tonight I'm off to a friend's in Clapham for a fancy dress cocktail party - the theme is 30s/40s/pulp and I think I'll opt for a pinstripe suit and a trilby.
Have a good New Year everyone, wherever you end up!

- Cloverfield
- Battlestar Galactica season 4
- Running an awesome LRP at a mini games con to celebrate its 10th anniversary
- SGUK Birmingham meet
- SGUK London meet (for TheQuestion's birthday)
- The Dark Knight
- Iron Man
- Discovering the Battlestar Galactica board game
- Going to Prague
- Going to the Unconvention
- Seeing Slipknot & Machine Head
- Selling stuff on Ebay

- No Country For Old Men
- Everything costing so much more so I'm skint all the time
- My company stripping back and firing two people
- Finishing a 6-year long Sorceror's Crusade RPG game (it was good, just sad to see it end)
- My Vaio laptop broke so I can't use it any more
- My brother failed to move out of my folks' place meaning I'm still storing all his stuff
- I still haven't finished my kitchen
- Still single
Tonight I'm off to a friend's in Clapham for a fancy dress cocktail party - the theme is 30s/40s/pulp and I think I'll opt for a pinstripe suit and a trilby.
Have a good New Year everyone, wherever you end up!
