FAQ time! 
Err, so like who the hell are you dude?
I'm the guy that you've probably met at several SGUK meets but either you never found out my name or just plain forgot. I shouldn't worry, I'm terrible with names myself. If I've met you and haven't friended you yet, then this will be why. It's nothing personal, I'm just rubbish.
I've also recently come to the conclusion that I'm not big on crowds, and deal much better with people in smaller numbers. Hence at our larger meets faced with some of our more dazzling personalities I inevitably become something of a wallflower *shrugs*
So how long have you been a member?
I signed up for SG a loooong time ago when the site looked completely different. In fact, I must be one of SGUK's oldest surviving members, along with Munch, Creamygoodness and Vix (and after the mighty Traumatron of course).
So how come you weren't at the last meet I went to?
Well sadly these days I can only really afford to go out on a bender once a month. I console myself by engaging in a variety of low-cost nerdy escapist activities most weekends, but this also means my diary gets a lot of clashes...
Buh? Low-cost nerdy escapist activities...?
Nothing kinky honest! I go to the movies on my own a lot using my amazing Cineworld members card, and I dig quality TV shows like The Wire or the new Battlestar Galactica. I also know a lot of people outside of this site and I play a lot of board games, card games, role-playing games, that kind of thing. I also do dressing up games/cosplay occaisionally in the right company.
Crikey you really *are* a geek aren't you?
Well yes. And no. I do a reasonable job at hiding it well under the circumstances. Unlike a lot of gamers I have come across over the years, I *do* have very good hygiene and quality conversational skills
My hoard of games, books and DVDs at home though is pretty terrifying to the uninitiated!
What was that about astrophysics?
Ah yes. Well I *did* study astrophysics at university, but I'm not exactly a boffin (mat8drb would out-math me any day of the week). I basically got bad advice and did the wrong course. I was fascinated by the big questions about life, the universe and everything and got rather short-changed. I should've done philosophy or history or something instead. Goddamnit.
History? Philosophy? Eh?
Philosophy of science would have suited me much better. Or archaeology or anthropology or something. The origins of our culture and civilisation fascinate me greatly, and do a lot of reading. The whole 'alternate history' scene got pretty interesting actually around the turn of the Millennium but its amazing what crap some people write about too. I'm also fascinated by religion, but in a very agnositc kind of way. If anything I may be an 'accidental Taoist' (read 'The Tao of Pooh' by Benajmin Hoff and you will be somewhere close).
If you're of a similar persuaion then you may want to check out my group!
Argh. Sounds heavy.
Hmm maybe. Alas as a typical Gemini I was born with an insatiable curiosity that often gets the better of me.
Don't tell me that you believe in that astrology crap?
To an extent. There are statistical studies done which have both apparently 'proved' and 'disproved' astrology as a phenomenon, but I'm not sure if that's really got us anywhere. Ancient people certainly placed a lot of faith in matching the movement in the sky with events on earth and with human behaviour, and they must have had good reason.
It's also true that the solar wind does vary over time, sending plumes of different charged particles to crash into the earth's magnetosphere on an annual cycle that could have (before the advent of human-controlled electricity) had some impact on the fertilisation and gestation of human embryos in the womb.
I'm inclined to remain skeptical, but there is a plausible mechanism, and in practice I notice that when people go and get proper charts done (not that shit in the papers) the descriptions match up with them more often than not...
So what do you do by day?
I spent a lot of time daydreaming, but in fact I work for a telecoms company in the centre of London. We do cheap calls overseas, VOIP calls, that kind of thing.
Where do you live?
I tell people I live in Epping Forest because it sounds posh but in fact I live near Debden on the Central Line. Technically it's Essex, not London, but it's close enough. I realise that zone 6 is like the edge of the world for some people, but it's ok out here, honest!
I guess that'll do for starters. If anyone has any questions of their own then fire away...

Err, so like who the hell are you dude?
I'm the guy that you've probably met at several SGUK meets but either you never found out my name or just plain forgot. I shouldn't worry, I'm terrible with names myself. If I've met you and haven't friended you yet, then this will be why. It's nothing personal, I'm just rubbish.

I've also recently come to the conclusion that I'm not big on crowds, and deal much better with people in smaller numbers. Hence at our larger meets faced with some of our more dazzling personalities I inevitably become something of a wallflower *shrugs*
So how long have you been a member?
I signed up for SG a loooong time ago when the site looked completely different. In fact, I must be one of SGUK's oldest surviving members, along with Munch, Creamygoodness and Vix (and after the mighty Traumatron of course).
So how come you weren't at the last meet I went to?
Well sadly these days I can only really afford to go out on a bender once a month. I console myself by engaging in a variety of low-cost nerdy escapist activities most weekends, but this also means my diary gets a lot of clashes...

Buh? Low-cost nerdy escapist activities...?
Nothing kinky honest! I go to the movies on my own a lot using my amazing Cineworld members card, and I dig quality TV shows like The Wire or the new Battlestar Galactica. I also know a lot of people outside of this site and I play a lot of board games, card games, role-playing games, that kind of thing. I also do dressing up games/cosplay occaisionally in the right company.
Crikey you really *are* a geek aren't you?
Well yes. And no. I do a reasonable job at hiding it well under the circumstances. Unlike a lot of gamers I have come across over the years, I *do* have very good hygiene and quality conversational skills

My hoard of games, books and DVDs at home though is pretty terrifying to the uninitiated!

What was that about astrophysics?
Ah yes. Well I *did* study astrophysics at university, but I'm not exactly a boffin (mat8drb would out-math me any day of the week). I basically got bad advice and did the wrong course. I was fascinated by the big questions about life, the universe and everything and got rather short-changed. I should've done philosophy or history or something instead. Goddamnit.
History? Philosophy? Eh?
Philosophy of science would have suited me much better. Or archaeology or anthropology or something. The origins of our culture and civilisation fascinate me greatly, and do a lot of reading. The whole 'alternate history' scene got pretty interesting actually around the turn of the Millennium but its amazing what crap some people write about too. I'm also fascinated by religion, but in a very agnositc kind of way. If anything I may be an 'accidental Taoist' (read 'The Tao of Pooh' by Benajmin Hoff and you will be somewhere close).
If you're of a similar persuaion then you may want to check out my group!
Argh. Sounds heavy.
Hmm maybe. Alas as a typical Gemini I was born with an insatiable curiosity that often gets the better of me.
Don't tell me that you believe in that astrology crap?
To an extent. There are statistical studies done which have both apparently 'proved' and 'disproved' astrology as a phenomenon, but I'm not sure if that's really got us anywhere. Ancient people certainly placed a lot of faith in matching the movement in the sky with events on earth and with human behaviour, and they must have had good reason.
It's also true that the solar wind does vary over time, sending plumes of different charged particles to crash into the earth's magnetosphere on an annual cycle that could have (before the advent of human-controlled electricity) had some impact on the fertilisation and gestation of human embryos in the womb.
I'm inclined to remain skeptical, but there is a plausible mechanism, and in practice I notice that when people go and get proper charts done (not that shit in the papers) the descriptions match up with them more often than not...
So what do you do by day?
I spent a lot of time daydreaming, but in fact I work for a telecoms company in the centre of London. We do cheap calls overseas, VOIP calls, that kind of thing.
Where do you live?
I tell people I live in Epping Forest because it sounds posh but in fact I live near Debden on the Central Line. Technically it's Essex, not London, but it's close enough. I realise that zone 6 is like the edge of the world for some people, but it's ok out here, honest!

I guess that'll do for starters. If anyone has any questions of their own then fire away...

Agreed about serial daters. I'm by no means the most secure person on the planet, and maybe it's born from my own misanthropic loner lifestyle, but I've never felt the need to define myself by my relations with others, and that's almost what these people seem to need.