Just a flying post before I disappear off to Sweden this Easter weekend for more geeky shenanigans to say that all is well. I had an ace time in Birminham and it was great to hang out with faces old and new and to mosh like a bastard to some extremely old skool metal. I paid for it the next day but by god it was worth it.
Not much other news to impart except to say that my calender is already booked up between now and June between family dos and gaming stuffs. Haven't even had much time to go to the movies (shock! horror!) but luckily that hasn't been much worth seeing that I've missed (except maybe There Will Be Blood). Roll on summer blockbusters!
I have caught up on the most excellent Heroes season 2 (finally) and have been keeping up with Torchwood (better than the first seroes), Ashes to Ashes (annoying but entertaining), and The Sarah Connor Chronicles (can't decide if it's worth bothering with or not). Also trying to re-watch Battlestar Galactica (the bestest show evar) before season 4 starts on Skyone on Tue April 7th (hurrah!).
Not much other news to impart except to say that my calender is already booked up between now and June between family dos and gaming stuffs. Haven't even had much time to go to the movies (shock! horror!) but luckily that hasn't been much worth seeing that I've missed (except maybe There Will Be Blood). Roll on summer blockbusters!
I have caught up on the most excellent Heroes season 2 (finally) and have been keeping up with Torchwood (better than the first seroes), Ashes to Ashes (annoying but entertaining), and The Sarah Connor Chronicles (can't decide if it's worth bothering with or not). Also trying to re-watch Battlestar Galactica (the bestest show evar) before season 4 starts on Skyone on Tue April 7th (hurrah!).
but mes gonna spoil u rotten!