Well yesterday was my first meet of 2007. It was lovely to see so many old faces, and also great to chat for a bit with the fabulously interesting Dicey. Was disappointed that I didn't get a badge from JohnStitch. Made it as far as the club, only to remember after another pint of Guinness that I'd completely forgotten to eat anything, and if I didn't bail quick I was going to be sick over people. Exit stage left. 
Today instead of finishing typing up my game or writing either of my overdue magazine articles I decided to pay a visit to Cineworld to see The Last King Of Scotland and Blood Diamond. Both eye-opening films in their own ways. Last King was a character piece and Forest Whittaker is both incredibly charming and seriously frightening. He so deserves the Oscar nod and I hope he wins. (The man seems to fear no acting boundaries and - although I haven't seen it yet - apparently he's also brilliant in the fifth season of The Shield.) Blood Diamond is part ripping yarn and part political commentary but it works pretty well. Leonardo is definitely improving with age and his Rhodesian accent (to my ears) comes off pretty respectable. It's easy to forget just how different life is in Africa and both films don't pull any punches in their potrayal of the place. Nail biting stuff. Check them both out while you can.
Four more reasons to go to the cinema in 2007:
Hot Fuzz
Spiderman 3
Live Free or Die Hard

Today instead of finishing typing up my game or writing either of my overdue magazine articles I decided to pay a visit to Cineworld to see The Last King Of Scotland and Blood Diamond. Both eye-opening films in their own ways. Last King was a character piece and Forest Whittaker is both incredibly charming and seriously frightening. He so deserves the Oscar nod and I hope he wins. (The man seems to fear no acting boundaries and - although I haven't seen it yet - apparently he's also brilliant in the fifth season of The Shield.) Blood Diamond is part ripping yarn and part political commentary but it works pretty well. Leonardo is definitely improving with age and his Rhodesian accent (to my ears) comes off pretty respectable. It's easy to forget just how different life is in Africa and both films don't pull any punches in their potrayal of the place. Nail biting stuff. Check them both out while you can.

Four more reasons to go to the cinema in 2007:
Hot Fuzz
Spiderman 3
Live Free or Die Hard

I looked horrific and gave the worst interview ever, but I guess I'll wait and see how bad it actually is.