This place is looking a lot slicker than the last time I was here...
Wow it is indeed amazing how time flies when you're having fun
Or when you're being ground into pulp by your soul-crushing job.
Or too busy pretending to be somewhere else to pay much attention to RL
So Warsaw was cool - very cold but very pretty. Also some wonderful food - the Polish are into their game so I had wild boar, venison, goose,...
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So Warsaw was cool - very cold but very pretty. Also some wonderful food - the Polish are into their game so I had wild boar, venison, goose,...
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I think I really need to get away from myself as horribly cliched as that sounds. DrewBeckett is definitely right, I'm just stuck in a perpetual routine that never really changes even if I want it to. It's a poor state of affairs when you can't even tell the days apart sometimes.
I can empathise with your work situation, things never stay good or settled for long where I am. Management restructuring can be a nightmare or a blessing it's purely down to luck. There's 400 odd people where I work and it's inherently political it's not what you know but who you know. I feel sorry for people actually trying to make a career out of it since if the store manager doesn't like you for whatever reason then you'll go nowhere regardless of how good you are at your job. Working your arse off for 5 years to then be completely looked over? No thanks.
I've not got it myself yet, although I'll pick it up shortly. I'm totally picking up the new Twisted Metal too.

I can empathise with your work situation, things never stay good or settled for long where I am. Management restructuring can be a nightmare or a blessing it's purely down to luck. There's 400 odd people where I work and it's inherently political it's not what you know but who you know. I feel sorry for people actually trying to make a career out of it since if the store manager doesn't like you for whatever reason then you'll go nowhere regardless of how good you are at your job. Working your arse off for 5 years to then be completely looked over? No thanks.
I've not got it myself yet, although I'll pick it up shortly. I'm totally picking up the new Twisted Metal too.
HI..Thanks for comment and support my new set, is super important to me to have your vote kisses ... muaaa

So I've reverted to being something of a hermit lately. Partly this has been to distinct lack of cash to spare, and partly it's also been due to a string of recurring illnesses. Nothing that's put me a death's door or that requires a great deal of sympathy, but enough to mess with my work, my sleeping patterns and my pitiful attempts at a social...
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That's very kind of you. I'll try to follow your advices! 

My foots a lot better now thanks.
I think my utter lack of friends who live nearby has just made my life a completely and utterly predictable routine, it's really hard to get motivated about things when you really don't like going places on your own. I spend a lot of time writing, watching films, reading, playing games or teaching myself new stuff like how to make GIFS in Photoshop or whatever and it's all stuff I like doing but sometimes you just want some company you know, someone you can talk to but I don't go anywhere to meet people and I really don't make friends easily and keeping them is even harder.
That's the reason I don't really want to be on my own, I would just lose it big time I'm bad enough as it is now.
If you're friends with Secretary on Fezbook find me through her I've got the same photo just add me sir.
I think my utter lack of friends who live nearby has just made my life a completely and utterly predictable routine, it's really hard to get motivated about things when you really don't like going places on your own. I spend a lot of time writing, watching films, reading, playing games or teaching myself new stuff like how to make GIFS in Photoshop or whatever and it's all stuff I like doing but sometimes you just want some company you know, someone you can talk to but I don't go anywhere to meet people and I really don't make friends easily and keeping them is even harder.
That's the reason I don't really want to be on my own, I would just lose it big time I'm bad enough as it is now.
If you're friends with Secretary on Fezbook find me through her I've got the same photo just add me sir.

So recently I seemed to have recovered something of my old creative mojo. Winning the award for the TRON game earlier this year has galvanised me somewhat and so I've been setting out to prove I'm more than a one trick pony games designer. In the last month or so I've completed several games for playtesting and I'm already talks with a prospective publisher. Without...
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XPS? I know not of what you speak sir. I was just browsing wasn't thinking of actually getting from PCworld since they're pretty awful. Had a look 'round the local "megastore" and everything they have is crap, tiny crap at that. I've got a HP at the moment.
hey, hope that goes well, sir!
So two months have slipped by with nary a post. It would be fair to say I've been reasonably busy, but it's also fair to say that I mostly just fail at blogging, mainly because I still have this ongoing difficulty believing that many people would actually be that interested in what I have to say.
This extends even to face-to-face social time to the...
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This extends even to face-to-face social time to the...
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Yes! Six Feet is my favourite show of all time. Thanks for the reccommendation on Northern Exposure! I'm gonna have to check it out!! xx
Sorry for skipping England
, still, I miss it so much, but sometimes I'm seriously afraid of going to England again as I fear I may not be able to leave it once again. And to stay there forever. Really. :- )

I guess I'm overdue for some film reviews...
Disney's Tangled was a pleasant surprise, if something of a guilty pleasure. A novel spin on the tale of Rapunzel, the tiular girl has magic hair that is not only incredibly long, strong and prehensile, but can also heal people and make them younger. She is kept in a tower by an witch who is obssessed with...
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Disney's Tangled was a pleasant surprise, if something of a guilty pleasure. A novel spin on the tale of Rapunzel, the tiular girl has magic hair that is not only incredibly long, strong and prehensile, but can also heal people and make them younger. She is kept in a tower by an witch who is obssessed with...
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It was nice to see you too, his name is themongrel He is lovely!
Thank you hermit Hermes x
How I would love to go back and live in England. I miss it like I've never missed any other country and culture and climate and language.
Hope life is treating you well.
love from Rome,
How I would love to go back and live in England. I miss it like I've never missed any other country and culture and climate and language.
Hope life is treating you well.
love from Rome,
Sorority Row was more of a see how bad it is kind of deal, it's definitely up there with Valentine in the sheer tedium scale. I thought Pandorum had some good stuff going on, like the ship being at the bottom on an ocean explaining the lack of stars when they finally open the viewing port but the reveal just raises too many questions like how had the mutants survived for that long even if they were resorting to cannibalism since it's a sealed environment. It would take longer than that for them to evolve so much and adapt to the environment of the ship too but I think they kind of explained that with some sciencey sounding stuff.
I've only been following Witchblade really and only since they rebooted it with #100 and did away with the whole t and a vibe and Ron Marz started writing it, plus the art by stjepan sejic is amazing. I think it shows that pretty much the entire Topcow universe is being overseen by one writer since all the pieces he's put into play are coming together First Born and Broken Trinity were really good concise events and Artifacts actually seems way more worthy of attention than Marvels latest Big Event.
I've only been following Witchblade really and only since they rebooted it with #100 and did away with the whole t and a vibe and Ron Marz started writing it, plus the art by stjepan sejic is amazing. I think it shows that pretty much the entire Topcow universe is being overseen by one writer since all the pieces he's put into play are coming together First Born and Broken Trinity were really good concise events and Artifacts actually seems way more worthy of attention than Marvels latest Big Event.
I'm a lot less lurgified now, but still feeling a bit run-down.
although I think that might be the night shifts...
although I think that might be the night shifts...
Three weeks into 2011 so far and it hasn't been so bad.
The Xmas break was nice enough, although not long enough. Spent Xmas day with my folks and my brother - it's always nice to spend time with them, even if our close proximity is usually a little trying. Ate way too much, watched Kick Ass and played a couple of board games. Caught...
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The Xmas break was nice enough, although not long enough. Spent Xmas day with my folks and my brother - it's always nice to spend time with them, even if our close proximity is usually a little trying. Ate way too much, watched Kick Ass and played a couple of board games. Caught...
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Oh I agree completely, they've been shopping the film at festivals for a while but despite winning rave reviews from critics at said festivals no-one's picked it up yet which is a bit disgraceful really and shows how backwards the film industry is in America really.
Thank you for your reply to my last blog. The kind words I've received have been a great help to me.
It was great to see you at Prom. Congrats on your good work news too - I've been off work for over a month now, and oddly I kind of miss having something structured to do! Never thought I'd miss work! xx
It was great to see you at Prom. Congrats on your good work news too - I've been off work for over a month now, and oddly I kind of miss having something structured to do! Never thought I'd miss work! xx
So, another month, another update.
Some of you may already know that I work for a venture startup that focuses on VoIP telephony services for small business. Although a great idea in theory, our CEO and major sharedholder refuses to invest in enough staff to make sure that the work that needs doing gets done properly. In fact, there is an excess of work largely...
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Some of you may already know that I work for a venture startup that focuses on VoIP telephony services for small business. Although a great idea in theory, our CEO and major sharedholder refuses to invest in enough staff to make sure that the work that needs doing gets done properly. In fact, there is an excess of work largely...
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Merry Xmas sir!
Though I was sorry to hear about your financial woes, it sounds like you were having a very eventful time around your last post. I hope the holidays gave you what you needed and had plenty of joy left over. I can't help but notice that some of you seem to understand my rather scarce updating, as you too seem to have the same "affliction" as it were. Not that it's bad, actually it makes me smile, and I think "well, it would seem you're still keeping quite busy" and I hope to myself that it means things are going well for you and you've been perhaps having too much fun to update. As opposed to the difficulties life can sometimes present us with. I stopped in to say thank you for your words of wisdom, they have bought me comfort on many occasions when it was needed most. And you are of course, right. I keep wondering though, that different though we are, if we were so smart wouldn't we be able to relate better? Have better patience with at least some of our same kind? FIne, I get running out of patience for idiocy and politics and bullshit in general. But what about the other stuff? Why do we let it all run like this, if we're so tired of it? What is stopping us from standing up and really changing the world? That's how humans have always done it in the past, instead of fighting nature, why can't we nurture it and live with it as it is? Why do we always have to tell everyone else what is right and how to live? And why is it that all the activists and all the fanatics promote naught but hatred for the other side? Why don't they they actually try supporting something other than hate? For instance, why don't pro-lifers promote adoption? Donate to kids who did make it only to wind up unwelcome and unwanted, another number in a countless system that doesn't work? Why Why Why all the time.And most of all, what are we doing to the world?
I have, if nothing else, had lots of time to think lately.
Anyway, before that rant popped out, I stopped in to say that yes, your words did help. Thank you. And I am hanging in there. I hope you are doing the same.
I hope the new year has brought you fortune, joy, and comfort. And I hope you are well.
I have, if nothing else, had lots of time to think lately.
Anyway, before that rant popped out, I stopped in to say that yes, your words did help. Thank you. And I am hanging in there. I hope you are doing the same.
I hope the new year has brought you fortune, joy, and comfort. And I hope you are well.

Well that last entry was both miserable and rather cryptic. Sorry about that. Sorry too for taking so long to update. And sorry a third time for this uber-long blog catchup.
Shortly after TheQuestion's birthday do I was plagued with a bout of nasty headaches. I had them before a couple of years ago for a couple of months straight and they...
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Shortly after TheQuestion's birthday do I was plagued with a bout of nasty headaches. I had them before a couple of years ago for a couple of months straight and they...
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The computer like parts of my brain were all that were functioning for quite some time. In its attempts to analyse my surroundings it came up with many new concepts and analogies to categorise the world, sadly all with unmemorable gibberish names.
It was awesome.
It was awesome.
Heheh, thank you good sir. You should definitely get some finger moustaches, they are highly amusing and perfect for all occasions. I may start a business.
Your trip to New Orleans sounds absolutely immense! Good work on slaying the free bars
Heheh, thank you good sir. You should definitely get some finger moustaches, they are highly amusing and perfect for all occasions. I may start a business.
Your trip to New Orleans sounds absolutely immense! Good work on slaying the free bars
