I can't believe this is coming to an end
I walk around in this haze almost every day
so many old memories, old friends.
so many new friends that I'm not yet comfortable with,
that aren't quite comfortable with me. People that if I had more time to know them, more nights of long talks, that I would really grow to love...
what a trip, fuck I don't know what to say.
No more west coast in like a week and a half. Two weeks of traveling, and hiting underpasses with a "trust jesus" stencil (yea I'm that guy...) ((just kidding, but I do want to stencil)).
But no more Eugene, fuck I don't know what to say...
...I've been having dreams of sitting with one of my best friends ever Larry, and just crying with him. Both of us in tears, both of us hurt.
I'm gonna miss this place. But it's time to move on......
I walk around in this haze almost every day
so many old memories, old friends.
so many new friends that I'm not yet comfortable with,
that aren't quite comfortable with me. People that if I had more time to know them, more nights of long talks, that I would really grow to love...
what a trip, fuck I don't know what to say.
No more west coast in like a week and a half. Two weeks of traveling, and hiting underpasses with a "trust jesus" stencil (yea I'm that guy...) ((just kidding, but I do want to stencil)).
But no more Eugene, fuck I don't know what to say...
...I've been having dreams of sitting with one of my best friends ever Larry, and just crying with him. Both of us in tears, both of us hurt.
I'm gonna miss this place. But it's time to move on......
but, my sense of humor told me, "you are being sort of creative, and you are sort of quoting do the right thing, so... let'er rip!"
truth be told, i'd rather have just let loose with an insult than crack his head with a brick. so, i did good for the world.