So last night we go to this little cafe'. It's smaller then a living room, and crammed into it are about fifty hippies, and hipsters. Fully equiped with all their guitars, uni-cycles, children, and so on.
It's the most egalitarian open-mic in the city. Everything else has been bought out corporatized, and so on. Which leaves us with this little cafe.
It was fun I guess. I'm not into hippie music, and at times the Eugene hippies drive me nuts, but we were there to see a friend.
THe highlite of the night though was a tapdancer. He had a little portable stage, that he rolled out, and then he got up and fucking rocked his tap shoes like I've never seen. It was cool to watch how he transformed african drumming into a kind of tribal form of tap dancing. Well worth the crowded bar!
Anyway check out my new photo gallery if you want to see what your future has in store for you...
It's the most egalitarian open-mic in the city. Everything else has been bought out corporatized, and so on. Which leaves us with this little cafe.
It was fun I guess. I'm not into hippie music, and at times the Eugene hippies drive me nuts, but we were there to see a friend.
THe highlite of the night though was a tapdancer. He had a little portable stage, that he rolled out, and then he got up and fucking rocked his tap shoes like I've never seen. It was cool to watch how he transformed african drumming into a kind of tribal form of tap dancing. Well worth the crowded bar!
Anyway check out my new photo gallery if you want to see what your future has in store for you...

tribal tapdancing sounds brilliant!
and if that's what the future looks like, i don't want to go there.
missing you and mogwa.