The air is getting cooler. Not like the Wyoming chill, that goes down to the bone, and seeps through your clothing.
But chilly...
Our roommate is coming back tonight! YYYYEEEAAAA we hav missed her cute little smiling face all sumer. Running off to Alaska, to play with the bears, moose, and wide open spaces. What was she thinking, leaving the drama of Eugene behind for that???
Well, now I am off! To polish, and sand, to patina, and solder, and hammer. To end the day with the sharp metallic taste of copper clinging to my lips, reminding me of blood. To end the day black as night, covered in a black/green coat of wonderful dust. Only to return at five to the love of my life, and a roomate I haven't seen in four months.
It's a good morning
But chilly...
Our roommate is coming back tonight! YYYYEEEAAAA we hav missed her cute little smiling face all sumer. Running off to Alaska, to play with the bears, moose, and wide open spaces. What was she thinking, leaving the drama of Eugene behind for that???
Well, now I am off! To polish, and sand, to patina, and solder, and hammer. To end the day with the sharp metallic taste of copper clinging to my lips, reminding me of blood. To end the day black as night, covered in a black/green coat of wonderful dust. Only to return at five to the love of my life, and a roomate I haven't seen in four months.
It's a good morning
it was more like commenting on the difference between that and whats served to you on a bun- getting people to think twice about the animals they eat vs the ones they dont.
i dont eat roadkill although i know people who do.
I am french and we had our president elected some years ago ; if you remember that time, the first round ended up with Chirac (more or less like your Repuplicans) and Le Pen (a fucking nazi) instead of the usual left wing candidate (who actually did a great job during the time he was in the government, but allowed too many small left wing candidates to run up for president, hence the lack of votes for him for the second round).
So we had the choice between a republican and a nazi. Of course Chirac got reelected but at that time I already heard lots of people saying "if Le Pen is elected, I'll move to another country". That's stupid. if you love your coutry, just don't leave it to morons, endure and resist, do what it takes to make it better. our italian neighbours didn't have that luck and see what italia is like now... not even talking about austria and so on... resist and fight for your ideals, that's the only right thing to do.
good luck for "that day".